Did you know that over 300 California Greens have been elected to local office since the party's founding in 1990, including 33 in 2014? (
Greens elected officials are making a difference in their communities. Come meet Green elected officials Jose Lara, Vice President and Governing Board Member, El Rancho Unified School District, Pico Rivera (Los Angeles)
http://www.smartvoter.org/2013/11/05/ca/la/vote/lara_j/bio.html and Sean Reagan, Governing Boardmember, Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District, Norwalk
http://www.seanmreagan.com. They will be speaking on how to govern as a Green and social justice in education.
Saturday, March 29th, 4-6pm. Mercado La Paloma - 3655 S Grand Ave, Los Angeles. Food court on site, with vegetarian options. See also the Facebook invitation for this event
We hope to see you there - and maybe also consider running as a Green for public office yourself some day. (
Green Party of Los Angeles County
About the Green Party of California
The Green Party of California (GPCA) is guided by its Platform and the Ten Key Values of the Green Movement: Ecological Wisdom, Grassroots Democracy, Social Justice, Nonviolence, Decentralization, Community Based Economics, Feminism, Respect for Diversity, Personal and Global Responsibility, and Sustainability.
Currently, over 60 California Greens hold public office statewide and approximately 110,000 Californians are registered Green. Since the GPCA's founding in 1990, 326 California Greens have been elected to public office.
The GPCA is affiliated with the Green Party of the United States (GPUS), and through the GPUS to the Federacion de Partidos Verdes de las Americas and the Global Greens.
Donate to the GPCA (we don't take corporate donations and are funded by people like you)
Register Green on-line (share this with your friends and interested others)
Stay connected with the Green Party
On Twitter: www.twitter.com/gpca
On Facebook (county): www.facebook.com/gplac and www.facebook.com/groups/114542358579795
On Facebook (state): www.facebook.com/cagreens and www.facebook.com/groups/8071416222