Join The Bunny Alliance and Empty Cages LA for a protest against Air France – KLM.
Air France-KLM is the number one transporter of animals to laboratories, and the number one Airline deporting asylum seekers and migrants out of France. Take a stand against the import of animals to labs, and the deportation of migrants!
For a world without vivisection and a world without borders!
Location: LAX International Airport
The Tom Bradley International Terminal
Upper Level departures
Time: 12 noon
Please wear comfortable shoes as this event will involve walking
Signs, banners, and literature will be provided. However we encourage you to make and bring your own signs as well.
Air France-KLM, along with the help of their partners Delta Air Lines, is the last commercial airline in the world that is still transporting primates, dogs, cats, and other animals from breeding facilities and the wild to laboratories in the United States and Europe to be tortured and killed.
100 airlines have stopped this practice, leaving Air France with a monopoly on transport for laboratories.
Join the global effort and the most successful anti-vivisection campaign to beat the last commercial airline still standing.
Air France-KLM is also in the position of cooperating with the racist policies of the French state in deporting asylum seekers and migrants out of France, primarily targeting Muslim and black communities. Air France has been complacent and participating in this practice for years, including participating in the European Union’s “hunt on migrants” dubbed “Operation Mos Maiorum”.
Air France-KLM employees and representatives of their trade unions, CFDT, CGT, FO and the CGC, urged Air France-KLM to stop the deportations back in 2007 with no success.
“There is a real, increasing consciousness amongst passengers who can no longer endure flying in a sort of deportation cell with shackled deportees, sometimes drugged like zombies. The personnel no longer accept working in a climate of violence and tension. And the network “education without borders” which is mobilising against deputations for some years now, has contributed a lot to raising consciousness.” – Philippe Decrulle, CFDT representative in the CCE
The Gateway to Hell campaign continues to work in solidarity with migrants and asylum seekers around the world, and to oppose the deportation of all people.
The Bunny Alliance and Empty Cages LA strive for a world without borders and without States, and for a world free of animal exploitation.