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by renter forever
Tuesday, Mar. 04, 2014 at 9:16 AM
Rent Control may be diluted and rents increased if CC Parks get's his strange way. He often acts as a dissenter but this time [maybe again] it is AGAINST the Renters of his city of LA. Ex-police chief wants to gouge renters so they pay for landowners' expenses for earthquake prevention, that should already be paid thru yearly Rental Increases every single year, regardless of individual improvements made on apartments. UNIFY and LEARN MORE to not allow this proposal to City Council to gain any momentum. [and see other good article w/info here @ Indy that lists City Council members' contact info to immediately start ACTING IN ALL OUR city residents' behalf. NOW !
More info to ACTIVATE Renters all over LA” by “
Scary 'news' not-new...another attempt to gouge those who are working but renting from wealthier OWNERS [ not land-Lords, not lords at all ! ]. Please help clarify here and elsewhere :
Do we only contact our own local City Council person ?
Will any others care or take our contacts w/them if not in their district?
DO MORE THAN JUST ONE OUTREACH TO CITY COUNCIL who is suppose to answer and respond to their constituents...tho they seldom do.... So do : Call AND write AND email....with name and address when possible....or with another's if that is helpful. [ the other recent article on same topic here lists all council people's info there...see ]
Where else can this danger be reposted and exposed to elicit more than the usual American Passive Spectator sportship that allows the worst to happen ...with laments only coming later - too late ...
Please help us all Now ! - to share INFO : to name some actual re-sources or possible sites/ places that will help Activate or Support or Act to insure that property owners dont rule everyone else's lives and profit from them too.
Renters are closed-door-types with little interest in their neighbors or seldom form communities in most locations in LA. We are notorious for being alienated, separated, disengaged from each other. Not neighborly at all. Strange custom, but mostly true, here.
Where and what is more contact information for any Renters helpers, groups already in motion where the topic of Renters unfair price increases can be connected ? or where is there more info on meetings, petitions, actions that are done ? Where have any other actions been addressed or attempted previously ? Can we link to those sites by name, address, phone,email also ? Can we research and elicit some assistance from already-formed organizations ? Where ? Locally ? How ? Who knows what and are you willing to share it here publicly ?
Who are people to contact for Us to VOLUNTEER NOW - to prevent this next attempt to hijack our City = with it's always-increased-rent-annually-to-already-poorer-renter, who usually are sitting back waiting for the 'other person to do it' ?
Can someone provide the Names or emails of those who are 'our leaders' or allied-power-brokers or those already more involved and KNOWledgable than 'us' = the 'little people'... meaning those of US who pay and pay and own nothing. Who do you know of Those involved in any organizations already formed ? Or any new orgs being formed as we write now ?
Who else has influence over Our [ our ? ] City Councilors so they dont go bezzerk [spelling is correct here ] -buzzardk- and maybe listen only to those who dont give a care about anything - but their money, profits, budgets - and those CC members who like to pass-it-on to anyone 'else' or down-the-long-hill-for-later when they booted out of their govt'l offices ?
There must be better ways than we have so far found to unite and create some positive motions [usually only done out of fear ...as that is all that arouses most people - who seem to prefer their passive TV watching to talking / writing live, and seldom talk to any stranger they've never seen before ] .
Can we do something definitive and useful from this LA Indy site? Are there more read or noticed sites also [not denigrating this one but the viewpoints are often limited and stuck in 1 place]...or where else go via internet or in person locally in LA City?
Do any other govt entity have influence over Our City ? like County, State, or other govt officials - that can 'oversee' some of the current foolish attempts to break this city's stability [the renters hold the place in some stable place, without which the city will totter... home owners have already been hit with their own financial problems in last few yrs and have no interest in renters, unless they profit from us ....]
The benefactors of the earthquake reconstructive work are the property OWNERS, not the renters.... the buildings belong to the owners and the improvements are their gains and increased values. The temporary-renter is just a blip on their financial screens, replaceable often and sometimes easily.
Renters are not the ones to gain so should NOT be paying any % at all for building maintenance, which earthquake safety is part of already.
The renters pay their monthly rent for a stable, safe, inhabitable apartment --and should not pay for the property upkeep which should-be-an-owner's-obligation, as owners keep and own their property with it's increased values... [and keep the rents] -while rents keep increasing and increasing cumulatively [rents never go down !!! never ! ] .
Renters should not ever be obligated to take away the responsibility of the richer owners now pay for what is not so beneficial to them in the long run. The owners gain from building safety. The renter is just using that limited space temporarily and paying highly in this city.
If an earthquake occurs, any time, soon or later, the retrofitting may or not be that helpful, regardless of what construction experts like to claim. The contractors, reconstruction companies/ workers also make $$$ from that work and the materials involved... and so are not altruistic in their fear mongering - fear promotion as are others also enjoy doing.
Scare the renter to agree to pay even more in this HIGH RENT CITY. Add another layer of laws/ ordinances to enforce the gift to city property owners. Why not ? Renters are powerless, leaderless and ignorant, or they would be owning more, wouldn't they ?
Who else can we ask to JOIN a movement to protect renters from this extracting even more $$$ from the Rent Control Ordinance - that intended to PROTECT renters, not find loopholes to gouge them more. The Rent Control was partly intended [if unstated so] a way to encourage more renters with some limitations on property owners greed and their creating instability in living spaces.
Stable rents helps workers remain in this city, work more for less, and keep them quiet - while the owners bldg valuations increase continually anyhow and any improvements are paid for by annual rent increases, regardless of any actual improvements to renters made. Yep. Not a fair deal but better than having no such ordinance when greed and 'only for me' owners running the city's living spaces.
0 http://truthaspower-maryjaney.blogspot.com/
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