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by KPFK questionner
Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2014 at 8:50 PM
But has anyone heard Christine Blosedale complain
about her job at KPFK ? Those at the recent Jan 2014 LSB meeting did.
The liking or not of this hard-working woman, she is openly complaining about being used too much during pledge drives and criticizing the interim program director for "being lazy" [ this was repeatedly stated ] and repeating her recorded promos on air.
At Jan 2014 LSB meeting, the room of full ...of programmers, some paid staff and public members of KPFK as well as the full LSB quorum for a change.
The question was why did all these people suddenly decide to show up to an LSB meeting when they do NOT COME to these more often or seldom ?
the public comments made by public, staff and programmers all seemed to focus on the iPD who may or not be changed. The actual info about what is going on inside the deep bowels of OUR RADIO STATION KPFK is elusive, secret, hidden, unavailable and distorted. What is happening comes out in various versions.
So Christine spoke more than once about how she did not want to be on the air so much during fund drives and by implication was maligning or criticizing or dismissing the program director...who seemed to be the subject of the day.
Altho it is notable that NOT ONE PERSON AT THE LSB MEETING OPENLY STATED OR DECLARED OR REVEALED what was happening, to the gen'l mgr, the iPD, the staff that may be moved around if major management changes do happen or when...no one said aloud what was going on !!!!
They all gave their own promos and alliances and negative criticisms of people they did not want or like or wanted to replace maybe ? whatever
Christine has been on the air and behind the scenes for a while. She may be liked or not, for she barely interacts with any volunteers during their free-work-time-efforts during $$$ pledge drives that take up much too much air time, all the time.
She may be "too busy" or considered "unfriendly" or self-protective but she is not open or present to all who would just like maybe proof they too exist in the KPFK world in the same room she has entered, done her business, and exited. without a glance at anyone but those she knows. So that may create a bit of distrust of her ways and a dislike of her exclusionary ways.
If she is not doing the work required or set for her job title, that needs to be clarified, explained and revealed....the work is more important than the friendliness, tho team work would be a part of any evaluation, especially by strangers on Indymedia.
That Christine has gained power as union shop leader at KPFK and as a long time worker there may mean she can do and say what she wants w/o expecting retaliations. That she is not an angel or the sweet thing is also notable.
That Christine is just a woman working a job and may be moved over or moved up or want to leave that job is not for anyone of us to discuss or interfere with.
Like anything that we DO NOT KNOW but only have rumors or maligned exhortations on any blogs, media sites, means we run with the little we learn and get the wrong impressions with no one knowing more correcting us....sadly.
If anyone does KNOW actual information relevant to her work at KPFK, please reveal it to the rest of us here so we wont be misled and saying what we know little about, as if we knew more.
the secrecy and non-transparency of all that happens in and around KPFK leads to so much bad-mouthing and bad-writing that it is 'their' own fault for hiding behind hypocritical facades.
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