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by Angry LA Artist
Friday, Jan. 24, 2014 at 7:40 PM
This is a rebutal to the hypocrisy in the blogs at http://woodsmithe.com/blog, where they let a documented liar, Joseph Pitruzzelli, pat himself on the back for his noisy retail nightmare that is helping destroy for the Arts District for the actual artists.
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I was Joseph Pitruzzelli’s neighbor when he moved into the arts district and opened Wurstkuche and I have to say that he and his sleazy cousin partner were nothing but a living nightmare for me and all the actual artist around them!! And that fact is very well documented at WurstkucheSucks.com and LAArtsDistrictBlogs.com!
Joseph Pitruzzelli and Tyler Wilson are self serving republicans jackasses that had absolutely no respect for their artist neighbors and literally drove me out of my long time studio, starting the very first week they arrived in the arts district. They were illegally using an actual long time Artist loft in a zoned AIR building direct between me and their restaurant as a noisy 24 hour commercial warehouse for their restaurant! Why is that okay? How does that make him a good neighbor in any way, shape or form?
Joseph Pitruzzelli and Tyler Wilson, the owners of Wurstkuche as well as developer Paul Solomon, were both cited by the city of Los Angeles for the illegal use of that legal Artist In Residence at 806 E. 3rd St.. But did they stop after being cited??? NO! Did they care how much they were disrupting their artist neighbors literally on a 24 hour basis?? NO! Not one bit. In fact, The manager informed me personally that Joseph Pitruzzelli and Tyler Wilson had a... and I quote: "Fuck David Attitude". That would be me. And that's exactly what they did on a daily basis for two years. Yet this hypocrite is featured in blogs as a good neighbor? You mean, now that it's all retail around them that have repalced the actual artist loft. That's what Joseph is happy about. Driving all the actual artist away. He is truly the anti-artist of the LA Arts District.
Even after Joseph Pitruzzelli lost a law suit by their artist neighbor, did he stop his illegal use of that loft? No! They appealed so they could continue to disrupt me and the entire neighborhood with there illegal use of that loft because it was convenient for them to use! How sleazy, self serving and republican is that? Or is that just a good neighbor in thye Arts District?
I was forced to live next Joseph Pitruzzelli's nightmare for two years and I'm appalled that anyone would think he is even close to any kind of good neighbor. The person you are praising disrupted my life and the arts district and I've been there since 1983.
Wurstkuche Sucks and so does Joseph Pitruzzelli and Tyler Wilson. They are the anti-artist of the LA Arts District and have done nothing to date to prove otherwise. They are NOT good neighbors for the Arts District! They have done nothing but bring noise, smoke and congestion to what was a creative neighborhood and they have driven the actual artists away!
They are not artist friendly and not the kind of neighbor I would curse on anyone except republicans like themselves! My experiance with Joseph Pitruzzelli and Tyler Wilson was worse then bad nightmare because they never let me sleep! And that lasted 2 years until I finally left what was my creative live work space!! A space that is now a retail clothing store priced for yuppies! That’s the a-hole you are featuring in your "neighborhood" blogs. At least my blogs are real! -David Goldner, Angry LA Artist
PS.... For all the hypocrites at LARABA, ask yourself why it was okay for your now X- rerpublican president to have arrive in the LA arts district, rent a ZONED AIR loft in an Artist's building full of actual artists, and then use it as a 24 hour commercial warehouse for there restaurant while he knowingly disrupted the lives of his artist neighbors with no conscience about it what so ever! Why was that okay? Been waiting for an answer for several years now.
Joseph Pitruzzelli and Tyler Wilson are self centered pork encased pigs and nothing has changed.
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