Daniel H. Shubin aka, peacechurch@jps.net sent a message to the imc-la list, and it was held for moderation. His ministry appears to be against both lgbt marriage and lgbt people in general. This reprint of the email is presented as a warning to groups that may otherwise find alliance with "Peace Church."
Wednesday, the US Supreme Court exalted itself above God’s dictate as to what they have decided to the American public regarding marriage. What they have done is wrong! No person has the right to redefine marriage apart from its Biblical basis. Homosexual marriage is not the same as heterosexual, no matter who claims this or how hard you may try. Any homosexual or lesbian conduct is beyond immoral, an abomination unto God as well as a contribution to the dissolution of Christian morality and ethic.
There are only 2 acceptable forms of conduct for the Christian: celibacy (for the single person) or male-female marriage. As Jesus said, “A man will leave his parents and be joined to his wife.” Matt 19:5
So we have here a fulfillment of what Isaiah wrote, Woe unto them who call what is bad – good. Is 5:20. There are many passages in the Bible that state the moral corruption of people’s mental faculties that lead them to such an abomination and also lead to their individual ruin as well as the ruin of society.
What adds to the pathetic nature are the several denominations who call themselves Christian that already espouse homosexual or lesbian marriage or even ordain such deviates as priests – both male and female, and which have approved the Supreme Court decision. Such are the Episcopalian, Lutheran, Church of Christ, Presbyterian, Quaker, Unitarian-Universalist, as well as Reformed Judaism. Using this Supreme Court opinion as their justification, homosexuals will even more openly include themselves in church participation claiming such conduct is now legitimate and acceptable, and no doubt more Christian denominations will succumb.
The genuine Christian will not associate with homosexuals or lesbians to impress upon them that such conduct is immoral and abominable, and they must repent or they will burn in hell fire. 1 Cor 5:11
The genuine Christian church will not permit any such marriages and will escort these couples out of church and tell them not to return until they repent and lead heterosexual lives. 1 Cor 5:12-13.