Based on the groundbreaking book by "Democracy Now!" co-host Juan Gonzalez, this new documentary takes an unflinching look at how U.S. economic and military interests have triggered waves of migration from our neighbors to the South. Without alternative, workingclass media, this story of what drives people to leave their homelands would not have been told.
Yolanda Alaniz, author of Obama’s cruel immigration hoax, for the Freedom Socialist, and co-author of Viva La Raza, A History of Chicano Identity and Resistance, will introduce the film.
A tasty Southwest Posole Supper with vegan options will be served at 6:30 p.m.
Door donation $5-10 • supper donation $8 • work exchanges available.
The event will be held at Solidarity Hall, 2122 W. Jefferson Blvd., L.A., Off the 10 freeway at Arlington on bus lines 38 & 209. Disabled accessible.
Proceeds will kick off the $100,000 Freedom Socialist Fund Drive
For more information or to arrange childcare or work exchanges, call 323-732-6416 or email •