I am writing this letter because I am an investigator for the National Lawyers Guild working to defend people arrested during Occupy Los Angeles. We are currently working on a case defending someone who was arrested near a skirmish line (at 4th and Spring) during Chalk Walk on July 13, 2012 and can be seen arrested in two videos uploaded online. The first video was captured by an individual with a youtube username: dramakidps2 who started recording just after the individual was knocked on the ground. The video can be accessed at the following link (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKNL5-cQAds). The second video was posted on this website (http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=92c_1342243333) by an individual with the username: redpapsa. The client is facing very serious charges and his trial is set to start within the next week and a half.
It is of pressing concern that I get in contact with any witnesses that were present beyond the footage captured on camera to find out if there are any other witnesses that would be willing to describe what they saw. It is urgent that we reach out to witnesses so that this individual can be tried in a fair and just manner in front of a jury of their peers.
Please feel free to contact me at my e-mail: samwesbrown@gmail.com
I would appreciate any leads,
Samuel Brown