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by Union del Barrio
Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2009 at 2:16 PM
Community organizations to denounce Los Angeles Police Department and the Sherriff's Department for stealing cars from Immigrants; especially during Christmas
December 23, 2009 Union Del Barrio- (Base Tierra y Libertad) along with other community and student organizations will denounce the increasing wave of LAPD and Sheriff’s “Sobriety” Checkpoints which are being used to legally steal thousands of cars from undocumented Immigrants. The LAPD’s stealing cars from Immigrants has become a multimillion dollar industry that is now being used to bring in funds to alleviate the city’s budget deficit. This is being done at the expense of the undocumented community. This is particularly shameful during the holiday season. Under the pretext of looking for drunk drivers, the Police and Sheriff’s Departments are specifically racially profiling Latinos by strategically placing “Sobriety” checkpoints in predominantly Latino communities. Both of those departments acknowledge that the GREAT majority of the cars impounded are NOT from drunk drivers but from unlicensed drivers; most of whom are undocumented. The central objectives will be: 1) To call for an IMMEDIATE halt to the impounding of vehicles at sobriety checkpoints for people who are NOT under the influence 2) To make a call for our communities to defend themselves from the Police and Sheriff’s Departments by resisting the Checkpoints 3) To announce a January 27th Community Forum focused on Community Defense from LAPD/Sheriff' s Checkpoints 4) To distribute our Hotline # to report Checkpoints (323) 602-3425 Organizers will be available for interviews Contact: Ron Gochez (323) 602-3425 What: Community organizations to denounce LAPD and the Sherriff Department for stealing cars from Immigrants Where: Union del Barrio's Centro Cultural Francisco Villa 2100 Maple Ave. Los Ángeles, CA 90011 When: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 Time: 5:00 P.M
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by HumanRight
Friday, Jan. 01, 2010 at 5:55 PM
If you don't drink and drive, but drive sober, and with insurance and a license, then you keep your car. I am sorry, but if you want to drive like you are not in the USA, then you need to go to Mexico or someplace else. Membership in a civil society requires obedience of the laws of that society. The USA is the better place because of the laws.
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by anti-usa
Sunday, Jan. 03, 2010 at 2:41 AM
Maybe if the corporations who received billions in bailout money from the government gave it back to the people, then people wouldn't have a problem paying for insurance and keeping their registration current with the DMV.. But when you live in a "civil society" as you call it, where people's tax dollars are taken and used to keep rich corporations extra rich at the expense of everyone else who gets fucked in the process, then why should anyone give a dime to insurance companies or the state to be granted permission to drive their automobile in this so-called "civil society".. When public money isn't being appropriated for social infrastructures, jobs and resources that the community desperately needs and instead it's given to private entities who keep it all for themselves and their private jets , why should anyone pay a dime of tax more and continue to get robbed. I guess mass organized thievery is value of this so-called "civil society". That's why police impound your car. It don't matter if it's the only one you got and your whole family is left out in the cold. Because someone's got to get paid. And it sure as hell ain't you. It has nothing to do with keeping your streets safe,or keeping drunk drivers off the road. Don't get it twisted. It has to do with money. Keeping rich folks happy at the expense of everyone else. From insurance companies to politicians. That's capitalism. If they really gave a shit about drunk drivers being off the road then they wouldn't have liquor stores on every corner pushing that poison into every hood.
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by HumanRight
Sunday, Jan. 03, 2010 at 8:37 AM
uninsured and unlicensed motorists on the roads, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. You want a free roadway, with no consequences to actions of anyone. You don't want to suffer any inconvenience if you collide with another motorist other than to be responsible, on your honor, stay at the scene, and pay for the damages and medical needs, while you expect others to be as honorable as you. How is the cool-aide so far?
Do I need a license plate on my car?
Who should set or control insurance rates?
Can police look in your car windows?
Can I keep a loaded gun on my car seat?
Do you mind if I shoot you, if you hit and run?
Can't we just drive like they do in Afghanistan?
Do you desire roadway anarchy?
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