· Register the Plug In America podcast on various websites.
http://www.pluginamerica.org/podcasts/ · Contact politicians in U.S. cities that are considering adopting "congestion zones," such as London has implemented, to get plug-in vehicles exempted.
· Help staff a PIA booth and show support for "Renewable LA: The First Annual Solar Open House & Green Holiday Gift Fest." This super-duper eco fest will feature test rides of various EVs, talks by PIA members and continuous screenings of "Who Killed the Electric Car?" For details: www.renewablela.org.
· Join Plug in America at EVS 23 on December 2 for Public Day and a chance to participate in a great line-up of alternative vehicles during Ride 'n Drive
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See you at the LA Auto Show for a Rally and a Plug-in Prius Conversion!
Plug in America, CalCars, Co-op America, Rainforest Action Network, Global Exchange and others will rally outside of the Los Angeles Auto Show-United States' Greenest Auto Show-Thursday, November 15th to call further attention to automakers pushing "green" vehicles while blocking California law that would reduce greenhouse gas pollution from vehicles.
Despite many of the car manufacturer's touting "green" cars, Toyota, Ford, GM and other automakers are currently fighting the state's efforts to implement California AB 1493 (Pavley), legislation that would reduce vehicle global warming emissions and slow climate change. By focusing its energies on mass producing more fuel efficient vehicles like plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles rather than fighting California's Clean Cars Law, automakers could easily meet the emissions standards mandated by the new law and become an international leader in fuel economy.
The state of California is now suing the Bush administration to force the Environmental Protection Agency to grant a waiver to allow the state to issue emission regulations for automobiles. The waiver would allow California to require automakers to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases by 30% between 2009 and 2016 as mandated by a law the state passed in 2002. Identical measures have since been adopted by 14 other states, and a waiver for California would allow them to move ahead with implementation as well. The 15 states account for about 40% of all new cars sold in the United States.
Automakers oppose the waiver request as well as the regulations, and they are fighting the California law in a complaint before a federal judge in Fresno.
Join us.
WHEN: Thursday, November 15th, 2007 at 12:00 p.m.
WHERE:Los Angeles Convention Center; on the corner of Figueroa St. and Pico Blvd.
FEATURES: Speed conversion of conventional hybrid into a plug-in electric hybrid that gets over 100 mpg. Games, balloons, cool visuals, speakers and Test Drives!