To: ALL with ‘Common Sense’ about keeping our drinking Waters CLEAN & SAFE.
October 1, 2007, twelve [MWD] greater Los Angeles Municipal Water District ‘Directors’ announced so called ‘Fluoridation’ of Drinking/Tap Waters in greater Los Angeles and San Diego with ‘SilicoFLUORIDE’ [ EPA designated 'Hazardous Waste'] to be metered into their drinking/tap waters . Note: MWD Directors were only ones voting this, at this time. This ‘MWD - AGENDA’ to affect near 18 Million Southern California ‘water drinkers’ was never put to public ballot by any city government in Southern California! How can a mere dozen people working as ‘Directors’ for the [MWD] Southern California Municipal Water District so called ‘VOTE’ to add “Silicofluoride Hazardous Waste” to drinking/tap waters of 18 million water users of So. California?
“Fluoride in Southern California Tap Water: News Release - Plan to Add Fluoride to Southern California Tap Water will put 64,000 Kids at Risk.” “Based on new evidence of fluoride’s risks, it is both unnecessary and irresponsible for the water district to go ahead with its plan to fluoridate in October,” said Environmental Working Groups …Walker. “If the plan goes ahead, it is essential that the district undertake an aggressive public education plan to warn its customers of the risks.”
Know that the actual 'illicit chemical cocktail' that is ‘corruptly sold’ by phosphate chemical corporations to 10’s of 1000’s of government regulated municipal water treatment plants all over North America is an USA-EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] 'Regulated Potential Pollutant' of Air, Water and Land that is currently derived from primarily the Phosphate ore mining & processing industries ‘HAPS’ units [e.g. Hazardous Air Pollution Scrubbers], and as ‘Silicofluoride’ is regulatorily classified by EPA as a 'Class 1 ..'HAZARDOUS WASTE'.
Politically appointed USA-EPA highest management is primarily in ‘political complicity’ to allow Silicofluorides to be sold and metered into our precious USA drinking waters. However, recently around 7,000+ EPA professional CAREER ‘non-politically hired’ Scientists, Toxicologists, Chemists, and professional field health workers signed a Petition to EPA top Management requesting ‘fluoridation’ be stopped. Read the PR Announcement at: On March, 2006 a 'balanced' distinguished dozen group of Scientists on a National Research Council/National Academy of Science Panel, after 3-1/2 years of their intensely studying recent 'peer reviewed' published 'Fluoride' SCIENCE as related to possible health endangerment issued a 507 page REPORT in bound book format concerning ALL that they learned and concluded with 'Recommendations'. One essential Conclusion was that the current USA governmental set maximum established levels for fluoride in drinking water are NOT Protective especially of children from 'fluorosis', and lifetime 'Bone damage' and other bodily damage! You can read the entire Report 'FREE' on Internet, or purchase a copy by going to: Learn more about the deceit of so called 'fluoridation' by reading the just published book by Christopher Bryson entitled, "the fluoride deception". Ask for a copy at your local library or purchase the Book, online or local bookstore. Also, you can view a summation of what Bryson describes using scientific investigation by turning on your speakers and going to:
The DOSAGE possibly swallowed by especially Pregnant Mothers, and very SMALL CHILDREN is UNCONTROLLABLE! Read this article about Amer. Dental Assoc. and CDC [Center for Disease Control] WARNINGS to prevent Babies/Infants from getting ‘fluoride’: Finally, know that the AWWA [American Water Works Association] has reported in one of their ‘Water Conservation pamphlets’ that “Less than 1% of utilities treated water is ever consumed [e.g. swallowed] by human beings.” The rest goes to landscape watering, washing uses, and down drains.
So, think of this analogy to the AWWA statement…Would anyone purchase a bottle of 100 EXPENSIVE ‘medicant’ pills, take just one and throw the rest away into our habitats only to pollute our environments? Of course NOT!
‘Fluoridation’ is the Worlds Most economically Wasteful, ‘dose uncontrolled’, illicit, illogical ‘medicant’ delivery system on the face of this Earth!
Please, SIGN PETITION to U.S. CONGRESS Calling for full Investigation/Hearings with perpetrators put 'Under OATH', and for USA to END harmful, senseless 'Fluoridation' by clicking on: .