Hello, my name is Denise Cook. I am a parent rep from the Friends of Hollywood High, a 501c3 non profit organization supporting the students at Hollywood High Performing Arts Center. I believe the following story is worth following up. At a time when test scores are low and apathy amongst students and teachers is at an all time high, and performing arts classes are virtually non-existent, Hollywood High was in danger of losing their version of Mr. Holland’s Opus or Hear the Music type of teacher. We would like for your crew to come to the school, interview the kids, the performing arts teachers, check out their rehearsal for the up-coming musical. Let’s let Los Angeles know there are still teachers and students who care.
That’s right. Recently democracy in action helped to save a well loved teacher from losing his job at Hollywood High Performing Arts Center. Parents and Students staged a quiet yet firm resistance to losing a teacher who really makes a difference, and they won!
Mr. Sacks, renowned Musical Director, Composer and beloved vocal and choir teacher at Hollywood High ran into bureaucratic mix-up which nearly cost him his job of six years.
Apparently Mr. Sacks received his credential in New Jersey, where he received tenure. He went on to teach in two other school districts before coming to Los Angeles Unified School District.
He was required to take several classes to qualify his credential here in California. In January, 2007, the rules changed and he was no longer required to complete these classes. Instead he was asked to produce original copies of two consecutive evaluations from his first teaching job in New Jersey.
The catch, New Jersey school district only requires records to be kept for 15 years. Mr. Sacks taught in New Jersey 26 years ago, the records no longer exist.
No problem, Mr. Sacks has his letter of tenure, which required three years consecutive evaluations of positive and excellent rating.
The astute California Credentialing Commission initially refused to accept the letter of tenure. They instead insisted on the two years of evaluations from 26 years ago. The proverbial throwing the baby out with the bath water.
To top that off, they refused to consider the past six years teaching at Hollywood High, with six evaluations with positive and excellent rating.
All this just six short weeks shy of the close of school. The solution for LAUSD was swift. “We’ll just put a sub in the class for the remainder of the school year.”
Not acceptable at this performing arts school where 315 students’ final grades depended on the staging of the up-coming musical, “A Chorus Line”.
In addition, Mr. Sacks is the teacher who stages and plays the piano and conducts the orchestra at the culmination ceremonies at the Hollywood Bowl.
Through collective efforts by the parents and students, and the administration at Hollywood High, Mr. Sacks is safely in the classroom or the auditorium rehearsing for A Chorus Line.
The "Line" returns to Hollywood, CA at the World Famous Hollywood High Auditorium located at 1521 Highland Avenue at Selma. On June 8, 15, 16, 2007 at 8 PM and June 17, 2007 at 2 PM, A Chorus Line will hit the stage with stellar performances by the students from the Hollywood High Performing Arts Center, Musical Director Stormy Sacks, Director William Goldyn and Choreographer Lisa Goldshien. Tickets on sale now at www.hollywoodhightickets.com. Need more info? Contact 323-461-7139 or email