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by Marcus
Monday, Feb. 12, 2007 at 1:34 PM
Minutemen in Hollywood, California, February 10, 2007
1.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x416
Minutemen in Hollywood, California, February 10, 2007
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by Marcus
Monday, Feb. 12, 2007 at 1:35 PM
2.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x407
Minuteman supporter Ted Hayes
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by Marcus
Monday, Feb. 12, 2007 at 1:35 PM
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by Marcus
Monday, Feb. 12, 2007 at 1:35 PM
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Pro-amnesty counter protestor
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by Marcus
Monday, Feb. 12, 2007 at 1:35 PM
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Pro-amnesty counter protestor
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by Marcus
Monday, Feb. 12, 2007 at 1:35 PM
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Minutemen in Hollywood, California, February 10, 2007
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by Marcus
Monday, Feb. 12, 2007 at 1:35 PM
7.jpg, image/jpeg, 447x600
Pro-amnesty counter protestor
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by Marcus
Monday, Feb. 12, 2007 at 1:35 PM
8.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x395
Minutemen in Hollywood, California, February 10, 2007
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by Marcus
Monday, Feb. 12, 2007 at 1:35 PM
9.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x396
Minutemen in Hollywood, California, February 10, 2007
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by Marcus
Monday, Feb. 12, 2007 at 1:35 PM
10.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x398
Minutemen in Hollywood, California, February 10, 2007
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by Atheist
Monday, Feb. 12, 2007 at 3:13 PM
What's that long pink thing that minuteman is holding? A huge dildo?!
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by Jammer CC
Monday, Feb. 12, 2007 at 6:12 PM
A wide yoga mat?
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by Duh
Monday, Feb. 12, 2007 at 9:18 PM
I doubt it because the guy who was hold it was too happy.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2007 at 9:32 AM
What the fuck?
Why is there a black guy standing in among the white supremacist scumbags?
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by takealook4yourself
Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2007 at 6:10 PM
Look at the pictures for yourself. Both sides had plenty of color in them. So much for the white sep stuff.
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by nazis for target practice
Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2007 at 8:21 PM
Let's get over this. Whether you (or I) are personally racist doesn't matter one iota. So you have Black friends, or Brown associates. Or you're married to someone from a different race. Or whatever. So you don't hate all Mexicans (or Hondurans or Filipinos or even Middle Easterners). Plenty of "good Germans" had Jewish friends, and they even felt bad when Jewish people and Gypsies and gay people were taken away. You can't tell me they weren't racist. They supported a racist society.
And if you personally hate someone because they're from another race, so what? They avoid you, you avoid them, and life goes on.
The racisms that matters are social and institutional. That's where the minutemen and their cohorts earn their racist title. They want to institutionalize racism so European-American culture doesn't have to adapt to shifting populations. They're willing to bring African-Americans along for the ride and the public relations, and a few Mexicans or Guatemalans who they've convinced will be rewarded with a glimpse, a taste of the white American dream. The minutemen's predecessors a few decades ago promised some African-Americans the same thing.
Now you'll probably tell me Mexican isn't a race, it's a nationality. You're right, so stop treating "Mexican" as if it were.
For peoples from south of the U.S. border, the minutemen hate the Indigenous and nationalist - non-European - aspects of their cultures. The Mexicans are closest and most numerous to the U.S., so the minutemen routinely label all southern peoples as Mexican. And, let me repeat, the minutemen hate what isn't European (and chiefly Anglo) about that region. They celebrate what's the U.S. has adopted from Europe, with their gaudy flags and polyester pants and cowboy/conquerer attitudes and so on.
No, technically, Mexican isn't a race. But the minutemen and their associates have defined all peoples from south of the border as the "Mexican" race ("Other" than European-American), they discuss them as a race, they demonize these peoples as a single race, and they attack them as, historically, races have been attacked. To hear any minutemen-type tell it, everyone with Brown skin is dirty, diseased, dependent on whites, stupid, and, finally, "illegal": they should be outlawed, placed outside the law, beyond the bounds of society and humanity. The minutemen have defined Mexican as a race, just as Europeans and European-Americans have taken it upon themselves to define races and how races should be treated for centuries.
But when they're called "racist," minutemen conveniently claim Mexican isn't a race, to cover their backsides, even as they treat all folks, from dozens of countries, as a mythical race called "Mexican." But you can't cover up the racism that easily. If you walk like a racist and you quack like a racist, you're probably a racist.
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by Dennis Slater
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007 at 12:02 AM
They don't even try to hide it, wearing the confederate flag to their rallies. I once took my own and stepped on it, and they called me a spic for doing so.
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by jorge
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007 at 12:18 AM
It is interesting that one side clings to nationalism, while the other side clings to racial affiliation.
I dont know if either side will be able to ever understand the other. Nationalism does not preach hatred of races. It simply seeks to enforce the idea of nation. This was evident by blacks, whites and hispanics all waving the American flag.
Racial affiliation or ethnoracism, seeks to end borders and to promote identity not based on nation but based on racial affiliation.
Unfortunately, there are racists on both sides of the street. The underlying differences between the sides are far more complicated than either side will admit.
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by Jammer CC
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007 at 12:18 AM
When I stomped on a Minuteman Project shirt at Laguna, czernel from SOS asked my why don't I do the same to an American flag. Was he putting the Minuteman shirt in the same area as the American flag? It's known that the Minutemen are trying to dictate what it is to be American.
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Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007 at 12:44 AM
OMG, YOU ARE ALL RACISTS !!! WTF about a black person amongst White Supremists??????? WAKE UP, YOUR SIDE IS THE RACIST SIDE !!! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Look how many Latino and Blacks are amongst us white racist MINUTEMEN AND SOS'ers !!... We have many colors, you are JUST BROWN !!!
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by johnk
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007 at 5:00 AM
There's nationalism on both sides. One is based around the idea of the USA, and the other is based on the idea of cross-border ethnic unity. (It's really quasi-ethnic, because the idea of "raza" is multiracial.)
On the opposition side, though, you also have some anti-nationalists, and some internationalists who aren't that deep into the idea of race. You even have some people who agree with aspects of the SOS and MMP platforms, but find the groups so offensive that they're motivated to protest. It's a coalition of ideas, but the primary unifying factor is that it's opposed to the SOS and MMP.
What you have on the SOS / MMP side is a nationalistic coalition of "left" and "right". More specifically, you have a core of traditional conservatives who are concerned with cultural changes, or threats to Eurocentric culture. Around that core, you have a lot of working class or "left" oriented people who are concerned with economic issues, and specifically competition with labor from Mexico. This latter group tends to be "liberal" economically. You also have a few political opportunists like Art Olivier who are economically conservative, and pander to the others to get votes. (Most real libertarians tend toward the open-borders ideology.) They also have a number of fascists among them (these self described White Nationalists or facsists).
The reason why the anti-immigration group is opposed so strongly is that the coalition between the cultural European nationalists, and the angry working class reminds the counterprotesters of the coalitions that existed during the rise of Nazisim and Fascism in Europe.
If you read the platform of the British National Party, or even some of the literature from the fascists within the SOS and MMP (the National Alliance), you see a melding of populist working class ideas with Eurocentric cultural nationalist ideas.
The current movement against Mexicans isn't exactly like the Nazis, but there's not enough time to go over the details right now.
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by a question
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007 at 5:26 PM
What the heque' was the above post about [Stop wasting your time by Hugh Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2007 at 4:37 PM ] ? If you must vent without substance, it only serves as noise. 'commies'?
Are you a labelist? Do you support labor in the oppressed south? Have you supported the peoples' uprising in Mexico? Think first, then post. That is all.
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by OneMinuteMan(in bed)
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007 at 8:21 PM
SOS has to resort to coming to IndyMedia & post immature comments---what, they dont get enough keyboard stroking over on saveourstate.org??? They continue to deny racism & bigotry among their group, yet they drag a Mexican flag into Hollywood Blvd & stomp all over it, then wipe their ass with it. I thought they were only about "illegal immigration"?? The desecration of that flag proved otherwise. It dosent take a genius to figure out SOS has racism/bigotry running rampant within its ranks-but it does take a little investigating, time to dissect their nasty web forum, & possibly a little infiltrating! :) After that, it becomes MORE than apparant. I find it humorus that SOS thinks that the oppositon or "goons" as they childishly refer to, are just "Commies" "Socialists" & "La Raza" members. I myself am a white, legal female. I guess I would fall under their catagory of "Trader". I belong to NO organization. I am not interested in "taking over California"--what I am interested in is groups like SOS & the Minutemen who attack, harrass, intimidate people simply because they are Mexican. That shit is not gonna fly, especially here in California. I find it disgusting that these people who are so obsessed with their "Culture" disappearing, can harrass/attack immigrants for simply wanting a better life, work, & hopefully a better life for their children. They need to read up on NAFTA & its effects. When one's country is as poor & corrupt as Mexico, & its own goverment turns its back on its people, then what the hell do they expect? SOS always says, "Well they should go back to Mexico & fix their country instead of coming here". That is such an ignorant statement! The Goverment of Mexico is severely corrupt, dont you think they would if they could!!
SOS was owned in Hollywood. They were a joke, & I witnessed so many people laughing at them. Their little parade was a disappointment, & their numbers small. It is not just a rumor that SOS is sinking. The inner-conflicts are childish & making members leave. The recent arrests of members is disgraceful. The aggressive, violent confrontational manner of SOS is not only drawing negative attention to the group, but making its own members question it's cause & future. They can come here to IndyMedia all they want & make unfounded ridiculous comments (which should be deleted-do they let us comment over there? No.) BUT, we will be sitting back & watching Turner's little organization crumble from within!!!! Pass the popcorn, the show's just getting started!!!
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by DarrylRevok
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007 at 9:57 PM
SOS is a hate group, plain and simple.
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by Jammer CC
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007 at 11:38 PM
They must hate the videos I put on youtube cause they're all gone LOL! They complain about people flagging their videos, saying it's wrong. Look what happened to mine now. I'm still waiting for them to fight for my rights and freedom of speech. Oh that right, I almost forgot, they're trying to change the meaning of being an American(basically agree with the Minutemen).
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by Michelle
Friday, Feb. 16, 2007 at 1:43 AM
Jammer you are such a fool, don't you realize that DarrylRevok and his pathetic blogbuddies flagged all of your videos. He is the one and only self apointed leader of youtube anti freespeach Nazism. The only thing he likes better than forcing his views on others is instigating a fight between political opposites for his own personal amusement.
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by Jammer CC
Friday, Feb. 16, 2007 at 1:56 AM
Actually that Darryl person is apparently only flagging the videos posted by Minutemen and SOS videos. He even messaged me on youtube saying he got AP77 banned. I didn't know what to make of it so I thought whatever. I wasn't into flagging videos and prefer everyone's videos be shown for what they are. Anyways I may put them back up or think of something. But I won't do what AP77 did when he got banned, which is put a video of myself on youtube smoking a cigarette trying to be a badass wearing a stupid cowboy hat. That sure was funny.
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by V
Friday, Feb. 16, 2007 at 4:27 PM
SOS/MM are afraid of you, jammer. they are still talking about u on there site. also, they think your that daryl dude that's why they flag your videos. how about try good video. they dont have any limints on megabytes whereas youtube they limit the video to 100mb.
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by DarrylRevok
Friday, Feb. 16, 2007 at 6:19 PM
To the SOS/KKK types reading this, I am definitely not Jammer.
I am my own person, acting for myself and not for any group.
As my YouTube profile states,
"Yep, I'm the conservative responsible for yanking 650+ extreme rightwing videos -- including at least 400 Save Our State/Minuteman Project's -- off of YouTube. And apparently I'm even mentioned in Michelle Malkin (an Asian Ann Coulter)'s wikipedia entry.
Well, I'm damn proud of it. I'll not allow bigotry and hatespeech on my watch. I'll not allow true conservatism to be dragged down by hatred and ignorance.
Down with the Buchanans and Limbaughs, up with the Buckleys and Lincolns! Sí se puede!"
I am DarrylRevok.
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by Jammer CC
Friday, Feb. 16, 2007 at 10:40 PM
video: windows media at 7.9 mebibytes
I think my videos really started to get flagged when I posted a clip of the NBC news that shows footage of that Minuteman hitting Minutemom's camera and being abusive. Eileen(Ghost on SOS) was reeeeeally freaking out about that on the SOS forums. Then her post was deleted. Then I put it on youtube. It's funny because it's thanks to her post that I was aware of it and recorded the 4am rebroadcast of the news. I'm not sure if I posted the video on here but here it is, enjoy.
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by V
Saturday, Feb. 17, 2007 at 7:30 AM
...found it in google video which was posted by minutemom. somebody posted the video here. and i posted the site to sos saying that it was domestic violence which dennis posted and then it was taken down. minutemom evenually took her video down from google video.
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by DarrylRevok
Saturday, Feb. 17, 2007 at 8:24 AM
Got this correspondence from an SOSer, who was earlier claiming that SOS is not a race-based hategroup in general and defending FairBear35/ROCKERMAN from my charges of bigotry and pro-Confederacy views in particular:
"you are the kind of person who gets shot when people learn your identity and figure out who you are. run rabbit run. Hide you internet coward hide. mark my words - Your time is gonna come !"
Looks like they can't take the heat. I will turn it up several notches now.
It is you, SOS/MM/KKK, who can run but not hide.
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by V
Saturday, Feb. 17, 2007 at 9:39 AM
I dont understand Mike Fair aka rockerman & fairbear. He has a Confederate flag on his truck and he is a christian. I guess he wants to re live the good ol' times of slavery.
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by Jammer CC
Saturday, Feb. 17, 2007 at 6:43 PM
When you talk to Rockerman in person, he comes across as really nice and says the Confederate sticker is just part of his heritage, displayed among other flag stickers on his car. And that's the impression I got of him, but of course that's just an impression. I was hoping that's the case, but then I see him do things like give a motorist the middle finger in Capistrano or saying how he'll wipe his ass with the Mexican flag in one of his videos. So I'm not sure about him. I've seen him do a mock Hitler salute in Laguna Beach once. But I haven't seen him yell out fanatically like other Minutemen do.
When he drove off and left from the scene at Capistrano on 1/27/07, someone noted that he removed the Confederate flag sticker from his vehicle. I didn't get a good look though.
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by Jammer CC
Saturday, Feb. 17, 2007 at 6:43 PM
When you talk to Rockerman in person, he comes across as really nice and says the Confederate sticker is just part of his heritage, displayed among other flag stickers on his car. And that's the impression I got of him, but of course that's just an impression. I was hoping that's the case, but then I see him do things like give a motorist the middle finger in Capistrano or saying how he'll wipe his ass with the Mexican flag in one of his videos. So I'm not sure about him. I've seen him do a mock Hitler salute in Laguna Beach once. But I haven't seen him yell out fanatically like other Minutemen do.
When he drove off and left from the scene at Capistrano on 1/27/07, someone noted that he removed the Confederate flag sticker from his vehicle. I didn't get a good look though.
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by DarrylRevok
Saturday, Feb. 17, 2007 at 7:02 PM
Well, just the fact that he uses and supports the use of a Confederate flag -- and that SOS supports the use of the Confederate flag, as displayed in their videos where Dennis Slater, aka AmericanPatriot77 (though 88 would be a more accurate descriptor), shows to me that SOS/Minutemen are accepting and condoning hatespeech.
Heritage my ass.
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by Lord Locksley
Saturday, Feb. 17, 2007 at 7:46 PM
As an alumnus of Ole Miss and a proud veteran of the Marching Rebel Band, I've kept a 3'x5'x Confederate battle flag as a memento ever since....great grandaddy wasn't fighting to defend slavery....he fought to keep Yankee trash out of his back yard....fought at Chickmauga,Lookout Mountain,and Chattanooga to make the point,too....I've got his journal and he and his fellow Tennessee sharpshooters took pride in adminstering one of the few ass whippings U.S.Grant ever got
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by Jammer CC
Saturday, Feb. 17, 2007 at 8:20 PM
I don't know who that lady is and I don't recall ever meeting or seeing her before. But her behavior, while outrageous, is still mild compared to other Minuteman participants I have come across.
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by Jammer CC
Monday, Feb. 19, 2007 at 4:55 AM
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by Jammer CC
Monday, Feb. 19, 2007 at 5:02 AM
WTF Rockerman isn't friggin dead is he???
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by Jammer CC
Monday, Feb. 19, 2007 at 9:54 AM
Okay Rockerman hasn't been on the SOS forums since 2:48am of Sunday today. Any Minutemen with his phone number may want to give him a call like right now.
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by Truth B Told
Monday, Feb. 19, 2007 at 4:23 PM
Rockerman posted that at around 3am. His drunk ass was most likely pounding away at the keyboard, unaware of what he was really typing. I imagine a life entirely consumed with chasing illegal immigrants around all day & posting lame videos & racist comments on YouTube , could be a bit depressing. Either way, this dude has serious issues. I highly doubt that his fellow comrades over at SOS have even driven by his place to make sure he's alright.
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by Jammer CC
Monday, Feb. 19, 2007 at 4:31 PM
I asked one of them to call him or see if someone with his number can call him. I think his name is Jerry Garcia. I was close to calling the police department where he lives just to inform them of the possibility. But can't remember if he lives in Mission Viejo or Lake Forest.
On the other hand there is a point to be made about how Americans are so privileged and many hardly know what kind of difficulties poor workers go through. Yet some find some way to get depressed and commit suicide. It's still sad, yet also silly it's done by people who have absolutely no fear of being blown up or starving to death.
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by V
Monday, Feb. 19, 2007 at 4:48 PM
Rockermasn aka fairbear aka Mike Fair. He got god on his side like GWB. He have been quoting the bible to the "goons", but he dont realize that the bible has both side of the argument. How can he justify the bible is right?
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by Jammer CC
Monday, Feb. 19, 2007 at 4:51 PM
Is that his name? Border Raven told me it was Jerry Garcia. I don't think he's taking this seriously.
Also maybe my comment on Americans committing suicide is a little harsh but it's just an opinion. It's true most have a lifestyle that would made suicide absurd. But I guess due to human nature some will still develop the thoughts and feelings leading to it anyways.
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by V
Monday, Feb. 19, 2007 at 5:14 PM
I think the jerry garcia reference is from the Grateful Dead. I think I saw a bumpersticker on the back of his truck b4.
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by Jammer CC
Monday, Feb. 19, 2007 at 5:24 PM
Okay cool looks like he's alive http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=22485 Still an odd post he made though. He could have explained the program he was watching at the time. And which program was it he was watching?
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by Truth B Told
Monday, Feb. 19, 2007 at 5:39 PM
Rockerman/Fairbear's real name is Mike Fair.
The immature folks over at SOS are screwing with you. You should know not to take them seriously. And although I find your concern admirable, I have but one question- Do you think Rockerman/Mike Fair would have done the same for you?
He is a notorious attention whore. Just recently he sent me a disgusting private message via YouTube, which I in turn gave to the administrators over at YouTube, who in turn, banned him. Although now he has a new YouTube account, & still posts. His last entry was around 17 hours ago.
I also think the assholes over at SOS should stop screwing with you, & realize that you have a real concern for one of their members. Just goes to show them that we are not all "anarchist, goons, criminals", & whatever else they call us.
But I honestly feel Rockerman/Mike Fair is just fine, possibly suffering from a major hangover is about all! We need to stop giving him the attention he so craves.
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by Jammer CC
Monday, Feb. 19, 2007 at 5:59 PM
I knew he might be okay but I wasn't sure. But still, a post like that at 2:48am and nothing not even being only until 5 something pm? I wonder if there even was a tv program on about suicide last night.
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by Jammer CC
Monday, Feb. 19, 2007 at 6:17 PM
On a funny note, all the police, FBI, and other various government agents who may be monitoring all this are probably thing, "great, what are all these bozos up to now??"
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by gypsy king
Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2007 at 2:10 PM
Ted Hayes is a racist, hateful parasite who has lived off the sweat of others for years. Never working he lived off of welfare for years and then abandonded his wife and kids after God told him to become homeless. Ask some of his kids how they really feel. He is opportunistic with all of his endeavors, always making sure to be in the limelight or wherever the media will be. He staged the incident where he hit a protestor. He calculated the event to give himself a way out of membership to the minutemen because too many were being critical of his actions. This guy has had more monikers than any I know. He is an insincere person.
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by gypsy king
Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2007 at 2:11 PM
Ted Hayes is a racist, hateful parasite who has lived off the sweat of others for years. Never working he lived off of welfare for years and then abandonded his wife and kids after God told him to become homeless. Ask some of his kids how they really feel. He is opportunistic with all of his endeavors, always making sure to be in the limelight or wherever the media will be. He staged the incident where he hit a protestor. He calculated the event to give himself a way out of membership to the minutemen because too many were being critical of his actions. This guy has had more monikers than any I know. He is an insincere person.
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by JammerCC
Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2007 at 6:43 PM
An SOS member sent me an email with a copy of a message or profile thing of the Darryl person, who claims to be an ex MM/SOS member. I'm not Darryl nor did I send or type that message. I don't recall anyone who was in the same situation as me. I myself have never heard with my own ears Jim Gilchrist say anything blatantly racial or racist. Offensive, aggressive, and downright weird, sure. But not racist. That's not to say he isn't racist or has never said anything racist. Just that I myself haven't heard anything like that from him.
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by DarrylRevok
Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2007 at 10:21 PM
psy-ops, baby!
btw, i am relieved that FairBear aka Mike Fair or whateverhisnameis is alive and with us. that doesn't mean he still isn't a giant douche-nozzle. but glad he was just taking the piss.
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by DarrylRevok
Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2007 at 10:28 PM
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by Jammer CC
Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2007 at 12:40 AM
Baaa hahahahahahahahha!
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by V
Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007 at 9:07 AM
Is Mike Fair a mole in SOS? sound like it.
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by Jammer CC
Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007 at 4:27 PM
I'd be surprised if it was him. He kinda let a lot about himself be known. I would think a mole would keep to himself and not really show himself a lot in videos and the internet. I'm not sure if there even is a mole. It would be hard to keep that up for a long time.
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by V
Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007 at 5:14 PM
He outed the meeting at capo.
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by DarrylRevok
Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007 at 8:29 PM
Yeah, I don't think he is a mole. Way too over-the-top and high profile. Can you explain the previous comment (outed? capo?)
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by V
Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007 at 11:34 PM
This post from the fire coalition. mike has posted this at sos site. and immediately taken out. i am not to sure if he posted it on firecoaltion
Start Time: 2/21/2007 at 7:00 PM End Time: 2/21/2007 at UTC Location: Marie Calender's Restaurant, 31791 Del Obispo Street ,San Juan Capistrano CA Description: The Minuteman Project Support Chapter meeting. All opponents of illegal immigration are welcome. Our meeting will be held in a reserved area in the rear of the main dining room of Marie Calender's. Meeting attendees can order food, drinks, or dessert from the regular menu, with no minimum required. For more information, please contact: Email: Telephone: (949) 492-3366;
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by DarrylRevok
Friday, Feb. 23, 2007 at 7:04 AM
That makese sense, he is always mentioning in his posts that the 'goons' have moles so it's better to just publicize the protest details... but that said, I still don't think he's a mole, based on the way he writes to me on YouTube being the same as the way he writes on SOS. I dunno. If anything, I think Dennis is the mole.
Word around the campfire is that Dennis was given a few weeks "timeout" because of the negative attention he was attracting to SOS.
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by Jammer CC
Friday, Feb. 23, 2007 at 8:04 AM
BTW Darryl, did you really post that message to Rockerman on youtube, the one he posted on the SOS forums?
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by V
Friday, Feb. 23, 2007 at 8:55 AM
Also, I have been watch his post over sos site. he has been making bad tatics i.e. making the rally a member only and if your a new member you have to get a sponsor.
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by 1st hand source
Friday, Feb. 23, 2007 at 6:53 PM
Dennis? Good guess, but, hes just taking some time off cause hes been feeling a bit burnt out lately with all the home depot actions every weekend.
IMO, I suspect the mole may be a relatively well-educated atheist who though initially against illegal immigration became abhorently repelled by the christian fascism of most save our state members a la chelene nightingale, members who attached christian crosses to the top of their american flags at Hollywood I (the police riot).
Also the mole is probably a former libertarian turned anarchist whos finally realized after scores of failures to secure the border that the government will NEVER stop illegal immigration and that government is best not that governs least-- but not at all !!
Just a hunch. : )
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by V
Saturday, Feb. 24, 2007 at 8:00 PM
why do u know alot about who might be the mole. are u giving hints about u 1st?
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by DarrylRevok
Monday, Feb. 26, 2007 at 11:45 AM
"by Jammer CC Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007 at 8:04 AM
BTW Darryl, did you really post that message to Rockerman on youtube, the one he posted on the SOS forums?"
which message in particular?
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by DarrylRevok
Monday, Feb. 26, 2007 at 11:50 AM
it probably was indeed me; i have been running a psy-op campaign against SOS for the past five months.
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by Truth B Told
Monday, Feb. 26, 2007 at 3:38 PM
There are positively "moles" over at SOS. Mike Fair, nor Dennis are them. That's all I'll say at this time on that subject.
Mike Fair "Rockerman" is one of the least intelligent members of SOS. He often slips & exposes publicly information on the SOS forum he shouldnt, (location & time of "secret" rallys/meetings). He claims to be a born-again Chrisitan who is sensitive & not racist. But if you read his nasty YouTube comments, you will see quite the opposite. Even his fellow SOS members think he's a douche.
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by March 30
Thursday, Mar. 15, 2007 at 5:45 PM
add this banner to your friends web sites with the following code: |
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by NAFTA/WTO free trade is culprit!
Thursday, Jun. 14, 2007 at 1:57 PM
Even with hundreds of comments, insults namecalling and the like we cannot get far beyond this; "They need to read up on NAFTA & its effects. When one's country is as poor & corrupt as Mexico, & its own goverment turns its back on its people, then what the hell do they expect? SOS always says, "Well they should go back to Mexico & fix their country instead of coming here". That is such an ignorant statement! The Goverment of Mexico is severely corrupt, dont you think they would if they could!!" The Mexican government AND the US government are both corrupt, and free trade agreements (NAFTA/WTO/PPP) are the force primarily responsible for increasing poverty in Mexico (& elsewhere) that result in poverty induced immigration.. To this point NEITHER side has really addressed the source problem of free trade policies as responsible for undocumented immigrants coming to the US. The Minutemen/SOS scapegoat Mexicans as "illegal aliens" and resort to attacks on their culture, nationality, ethnicity, language, etc.., though do not grasp how US based corporations are using NAFTA/WTO to worsen the poverty and landlessness in Mexico and exploit undocumented immigrants upon their arrival in the US.. On the other hand the "pro-immigrant" side puts forth the premise that poverty induced immigration is "good for US" as it supports our economy. After all, isn;t that the reason everyone else came to North America? Here we listen to countless praises of agricultural plantation farmworkers (or in slaughterhouses, factory farms, chokesetters in timber, construction in sprawl housing, lawnmowers, etc..) from Mexico who make our economy function at their expense. We're not talking about the safest or most ethical jobs here either, only the most desperate work in the above positions, and yes, many are indeed Mexican.. So how difficult is it for ya'll down south to quit playing protest/counter-protest ping-pong with the lives of Mexicans and get to the source problem (NAFTA/WTO/PPP), or has all the smog in LA finally gotten to your collective brains?? Here's some recommended reading material for people who need to catch up on the policies of NAFTA/WTO and how agricorporations like Monsanto, ADM, Cargill, etc.. cause BOTH poverty and landlessness in Mexico AND also profit from exploitation of labor of undocumented farmworkers. Same goes for meatpacking slaughterhouses, etc.. "The Plot Against Mexican Corn" John Ross "Competing with highly subsidized U.S. farmers is driving their Mexican counterparts into bankruptcy. Whereas south of the border, guaranteed prices for farmers' crops is a thing of the past, corporate corn growers north of the Rio Bravo can receive up to $21,000 an acre in subsidies from their government, enabling them to dump their corn over the border at 80% of cost. The impact of this inundation has been to force 6,000,000 farmers and their families here to abandon their plots and leap into the migration stream, according to a 2004 Carnegie Endowment study. This assault on poor farmers down at the bottom of the food chain will be exacerbated at the end of 2007 when all tariffs on U.S. corn are abolished. Meanwhile President Calderon seeks to tamp down tortilla prices by importing up to 2,000,000 duty-free tons to augment what Mexican farmers can or cannot produce. Such a solution is guaranteed to drive more farmers off the land. Even worse is that much of the new influx of NAFTA corn will be transgenic." read on por favor @; http://www.counterpunch.org/ross02142007.html "The Maseca mix has largely supplanted the traditional Indian way of preparing corn for tortillas - the "nixtamal" in which the "granos" or kernels are put to soak overnight in a brew whose main ingredient is quicklime. As payback for market domination, the King of the Tortillas flew Salinas into self-exile in his private jet in 1995 after the ex-president's brother was arrested for murder. Barrera and his ADM partners and their transnational associates at Cargill-Consolidated Mexico and Mimsa-Corn Products now control the Mexican maize market. It is that monopoly, which has caused the current panic, considers Luis Hernandez Navarro, op-ed editor at La Jornada, the national left daily, and a writer intimately familiar with agricultural issues. When ex-president Ernesto Zedillo (1994-2000) closed down CONASUPO, the state grain distribution system in 1997, the transnationals moved in and have taken control, says Hernandez. "When Mexican corn is in danger so is Mexico" he cautions, echoing the old refrain "no hay pais sin maiz" - there is no country without corn." "The Zapatistas are Mayans and the Mayans are the People of the Corn. According to their sacred books, the Popul Vuh and the Chilam Balaam, they are actually made from maiz. Manuel, a member of the ecology-agricultural commission at Oventik, the most accessible Zapatista "caracol" or public center in the mountains above San Cristobal de las Casas, venerates these roots. "We are the corn - if it is poisoned so are we" he insisted during this New Year's "Encounter Between the Peoples of the World and the Peoples of the Zapatista Communities" up at the Caracol "Resistance and Rebellion for Humanity." Now the Zapatistas are freezing their seed corn to preserve pure Mayan germ plasma so that there will never be a world without it. You can even purchase the seeds on the World Wide Web. Check out http://www.schoolsforchiapas.com. "
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by BorderRaven
Sunday, Jul. 01, 2007 at 8:19 PM
At one point the people living in the 13 British colonies, in America, grew tired of the taxation without representaion, and other policies enforced by the British Crown.
How did they ever resolve that problem?
I guess ,if the those people you have seen in the past few years, proudly waving the flag of Mexico, and proclaiming their love of Mexico, identifying with Mexican heritage, pledging allegience to the flag of Mexico, etc., would prove their loyalt y to Mexico, instead of being keyboarad commandoes, and couch potatoes, then perhaps they would enjoy independence from the USA.
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