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by 1Planet1People
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 4:13 PM
The Save Our State Organization will be going back to Baldwin Park to conduct another protests against the monument.
As a result of our brand of aggressive, in your face activism and the response that has been displayed by our opponents, Americans are growing more and more emboldened and empowered to take a stand against the 'reconquistas.' Americans are beginning to learn how serious the illegal immigration problem is becoming.
Americans are tired of the unchecked third world invasion of illegal aliens. They are tired of porous borders open to terrorist exploitation. They are tired of watching millions of illegal aliens and their anchor babies flood our schools and devastate the quality of learning afforded to our very own children. They are tired of illegal aliens abusing emergency rooms for medical treatment which has resulted in numerous closings and subsequent loss of services to the taxpaying public. They are tired of watching their great American culture disappear, only to watch it be replaced by other cultures that are inferior and contradictory to everything this country was built upon.
For too long, our citizens have desecrated the memory of our great founding fathers as they stood quietly by and allowed this devastation to occur. Enough is enough. We have reached the point where we can no longer sit back and allow our government to aid and abet the illegal alien invasion. We must respond as our founding fathers would have responded. We must refresh the tree of liberty.
We are angry! We are seething with anger and boiling with rage.
And we are motivated and determined to fight back. This is our land. This is our fight. And we are willing to bleed to defend it.
We have seen a rapid escalation in violence and posturing by our enemies. The Baldwin Park and Garden Grove attacks demonstrate the fear we are instilling in our enemies. They are not accustomed to being confronted and challenged.
Gone are the days of the old paradigm where Americans reacted to the whims and actions of our open borders opponents. Gone are the days when we allowed our opponents to define the terminology of the debate.
Save Our State was founded on the belief that we could create a new paradigm. A paradigm which consists of taking the battle to our opponents on our terms; ensuring that our enemies respond to our actions.
Although we do not seek out violence, it must be said that we will not run from it. Although we seek to peacefully defend and protect our national sovereignty, we will not be fearful or intimidated. We must not acquiesce and we must not retreat.
Make no mistake, our opponents are savages. In a pack, they grow incredibly brave. When alone they are as impotent as a church mouse. Our foes rely on fear, intimidation and the threat of violence in order to achieve victory. We must not waver and we must not withdraw from the fight. We must stand strong and beat back the enemy. For this is the only thing our opponents understand.
Many suggest that violence is coming to California. Many suggest that a civil war of sorts may be on the horizon. I cannot control the actions of our opponents. For they ultimately decide whether or not violence will break out over this issue that is tearing our nation apart.
Save Our State will not initiate violence. However, in no way will we attempt to appease our enemy out of fear that they might resort to violence.
The monument in Baldwin Park is not just a rock. It is a disgusting testament to how pathetically apathetic Americans have grown in response to the hostile takeover attempt by the Mechistas and the massive illegal alien invasion. It is a slap in the face to all Americans and an insult to us all.
We have a patriotic obligation to ensure that the seditious language on that monument is removed. And one way or another, it will be removed. Together, we will drive a stake through the heart of the 'reconquista' movement. This is American land. Today. Tomorrow. Forever.
Baldwin Park, CA Corner of Pacific & Downing (at Metrolink Rail Station)
12 PM - 2 PM Saturday, June 25th
Please bring your own signs and/or American flags. It is imperative that you spread the word.
Anyone bringing any racist signs, clothing, regalia, etc. will be ejected from our group. Obviously, we cannot control who comes out to protest. However, in no shape or form will Save Our State be affiliated with any supremacist organizations.
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by The MórrÃÂÂgan
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 4:43 PM
Thanks for keeping an eye out, 1Planet!
Joe Turner must be in a world of hurt to risk coming back to Baldwin Park. Apparently he's got to prove himself to his minions, so he's going to lead the Venturans back to the scene of their defeat.
We'll be there, of course. With most everybody in BP, I imagine. And that should be the end of SOS.
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by Email Email Email EVERYONE
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 5:17 PM
Email Email Email EVERYONE
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by Email Email Email EVERYONE
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 5:24 PM
Latinos Unidos
After what they endured in Baldwin Park, they gonna do it again? Those guys have just to be completely NUTS. But then we knew that already.
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by 1planet1people
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 5:28 PM
Quote printed in SF Gate:
In a 45-minute speech Sunday, Gilchrist said a declaration of war is committed every time a Mexican flag is planted on American soil.
"If this isn't a declaration of war, I don't know what is," Gilchrist said.
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by 1planet1people
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 6:41 PM
Be careful of what you say in this forum. The SOS group has networked with other groups, and may be working with government agencies like the FBI. It is important that all posts remain non-threatening. From this point forward, it would be wise not to feed the trolls, and to use this as it is intended, to report on updates. Again, I can not stress enough, DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS!!
We have a legal right to protest, but any threats (even if provoked) are considered assault. If you are identified, you could get in trouble. If you have an update, give it. SOS people will be posting on here in an attempt to get people angry so they will fly off the handle and start saying things that they do not entirely mean. Do not get set up like this.
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by Against Racism
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 6:49 PM
Please to all the people, do not throw cans of soda or bottle of water. The Police will try to find an excuse to arrest people. Those thugs have links with The Police. May be they have worked out something with them to make a mass arrest.
SOS will probably sent some provocator into our ranks to make us look bad. Look out for individuals in our rank that preach violence. They are surely with SOS or the Police. That happen all the times.
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by most trolls don't post
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 7:42 PM
All forms of electronic communication should be considered transparent to the enemy use them for announcements only. Meet up in the real world to organize. There are no 100% secure channels, but all electronic channels can be intercepted. There is no encryption that can not be broken.
Also SOS and MM are fronts for the real enemy, don’t let them draw you out. Stay on target.
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by La Raza
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 11:22 PM
Please 1People1Planet, if you go to the protest tell people with cameras to post their pictures on this website. Thank you for your great reports, pictures and videos.
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by A Fly
Wednesday, Jun. 01, 2005 at 11:59 PM
download PDF (35.2 kibibytes)
From another post.....
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by Illegal Alien Hunter
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 2:16 AM
We are watching & reporting. Some people on your side WILL screw up, & we WILL get it on tape. After all, we know leftwing America-haters can't, & won't stay peaceful. They NEVER do!
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by el lobo del mar
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 5:41 AM
went to the SOS website to see the article couldn't find it copy and pasted the article to google and this is the only website it appears on. wudup?
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by raska che
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 8:28 AM
how come you deleted my comment? these provocateurs and police--are they working for IMC too?
I suggested we follow the advice of an earlier posting and instead of playing into their confrontational tactics, we hold a big pachanga instead with food and music and dancing, be creative, have fun, involve the community, pass out information, etc., don't let them suck us into their plans. I said we have to remember that love, laughter, humor, and fun are some of our most powerful weapons.
and you deleted it. not even just hidden, but completely erased. what the fuck. explain yourselves.
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by Hellfire USA
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 8:58 AM
Mr. Gilchrist is right, you don't planting foreign flags on US soil. Doing so is utterly disrespectful. The only foreign flags on US soil should be those at embassies.
You lowlifes are nothing but traitors and will be dealt with as such.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 9:11 AM
Well golly, I guess the racists didn't get enough of an object lesson on what the people of a community does when a bunch of racist hate mongers slink into their town.
Well bring 'em on. The people of Southern California will turn out once again to oppose these fascists and everything they stand for -- and we'll do it peacefully once again, with music, song, dancing, laughter, and fun while the racists huddle in misery as the injustice of equality and diversity in America.
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by 1Planet1People
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 9:40 AM
I really like the idea of food, music, and fun. We would need to get a permit for that, and it needs to be close enough to them that anyone who sees them, they will see us as well. We can call it, "Stand For Diversity!" It would be more laid back and would take the ability for them to manipulate the situation. We could even have fun by having people dress in customs and go poke fun at them (20 or 30 clowns mocking them to everyone that drives by).
Someone who is a BP local would have to arrange this.
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by Drederic Q. Rice
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 9:44 AM
It's no surprise that the left's brands of 'tolerance' and 'diversity' excludes Whites.
That was the plan all along for these communist sympathizers.
I mean, why include the people who CREATED then BUILT Western Civilization in the mix?
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by raska che
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 9:50 AM
I was thinking we could dress in pilgrim costumes and take them over an offering of elotes.
I'm not in BP but I would love to help put this together. Don't know where/how to start but let's make it happen. maybe we could get a permit to close off that whole intersection for a cultural diversity street fair or something and then they could come party with us if they want haha.
my email is raskache-at-yahoo-dot-com.
if anybody already has some plans and/or experience how to do this, jump in!
and put my original comment posting back up you IMC punks!
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by The Enduring Voice of Truth and Reason
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 10:37 AM
ADMIN - SO WHAT GIVES? MY LAST POST WAS DELETED. MAYBE YOU'RE SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME CENSORING OPINIONS RATHER THAN ENGAGING IN MEANINGFUL DISCUSSIONS. MY OLD POST IS REPOSTED BELOW. I BET YOU'LL TAKE IT OFF ONCE AGAIN, RATHER THAN OFFER AN INTELLIGENT REBUTTAL. TO ME, THAT COMES ACROSS AS A LACK OF SELF ESTEEM OR JUST PLAIN COWARDICE. Email Email Email EVERYONE - you're right, please e-mail everyone. Depending on how the question is phrased, clear majorities of the American people (sometime super-majorities of 80% or more) want our borders secured, illegals repatriated to their home countries, and an end to incentives for illegals to come to the U.S. illegally. [Take a look for yourselves: http://www.fairus.org/Research/Research.cfm?ID=1167&c=2 ] So the more you look like rowdy, out-of-control extremists (throwing bottles of water at the other side, or blocking driveways and smashing car windows, etc.) the more you turn off that vast silent majority that does not see this situation at all like you do. They're the ones responding to the above polls, they're legal, they vote, they financially contribute to politicians' campaigns and have the ears of their elected officials. Better yet, just by showing up, especially when you have people make incredible statements like at the first Baldwin Park protest (i.e., "Go back to Europe", "viva al-Zarqawi, the Gringo Killer", etc.), you prove there is an anti-American 'reconquista' movement. As an FYI, most citizens of Mexico and all the other Central and South American nations (90%+) are descendents of the Spanish conquistadors and Portuguese settlers (some history you'll need to research). So this "go back to Europe" remark would easily apply to most Hispanics in the New World. Certainly, your activists using this racially-charged insult directed at the SOS protestors are not suggesting Hispanics go back to Spain or Portugal, right? Up to now, most folks would not believe you if you told them there was a present day MEChE/ reconquista movement. They would tell you it was probably a 1960's thing, but no longer exists. But now, thanks to Baldwin Park, Garden Grove and those KRCA-TV (L.A. in Mexico) billboards, people are starting to believe there is. By showing up at these protests, you prove the current, continuing existence of MEChE, which in turn arouses the sleeping giant (yes, those gringo Americans, along with African-Americans insulted by Mexican President Vicente Fox and recent legal immigrants from Asia, Europe and elsewhere that had to wait in line and come here properly - i.e., with a visa). BTW - Diversity does not just exist on you side of the fence, but on ours as well, which make all the bogus charges of "racism" seem just that - bogus. The more visible you make yourselves, the more ordinary Americans will perceive you as a threat. And if you've even bothered to go to the link I provided on public polling data, you'll discover that roughly 2/3 to 3/4 of American think almost the exact opposite as you on the matter of illegal immigration. So, again, please e-mail everyone. Author: The Voice of Truth and Reason
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by 1Planet1People
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 10:39 AM
 1a.jpg2mk8rz.jpg, image/jpeg, 354x138
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by 1Planet1People
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 10:49 AM
 1b.jpg, image/jpeg, 322x125
Tell Everyone to watch this video. They claim to be on the higher moral ground, and they had no clue that people had cammeras on them. Send this to EVERYONE!!!!
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by 1Planet1People
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 11:40 AM
Everyone is doing well. You see their anger and hatred, trying to draw people into fights. Soon, they will likely pretend to be against the SOS, and argue with themselves. It is important to continue to ignore them. If you watch the video, what you will find is these are violent people that try to draw people into an angry frenzy, then they turn around and paint the people as the bad group. The KKK has been doing this for years. They know that the art will not come down; they know they are going to be out numbered. Joe and the SOS group wants the attention, he wants other close-minded racists to pity him and his group. He is a media junky who is going to risk the safety of the people in his group just so he can get another three minutes of fame on Fox News. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if they were sending people into our protests to throw bottles at themselves, just so they can say, "poor me". Just let them flame themselves and ignore everything they post. If you could talk sense into this type of people, the KKK would have died out decades ago.
Further, any pictures people have of these individuals should be posted on the SOS identified string. This is not to intimidate them; it is to protect us. If everyone knows who they are, they cannot come over to our side, do illegal activity, and blame it on us. If their side does not get hurt, they lose, and they do not want that. We must protect ourselves from their hate. That is why a celebration of the people may be a better idea.
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by 1Planet1People
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 11:45 AM
Sorry, just read your request. This is where you can find the article..... http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2255
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by el lobo del mar
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 12:09 PM
Thanks just couldn't find it on the web site
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by the Voice
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 12:41 PM
I'm sorry, but you're rather pathetic. Afraid to post my messages? There's nothing disrespectful in them, just a statement of supported beliefs that are hard to refute. I've stayed away from the insults thusfar, but I have to tell you that you're propensity to censor comments you don't like makes you look weak. Just debate the issues. Quit being such a chicken.
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Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 1:21 PM
the following types of items will merit close scrutiny and may be hidden:
"Spam" posting; i.e., posts deliberately designed to disrupt the newswire and its basic ability to function. These are posts that are deemed to be devoid of content or analysis and appear to be published with the sole purpose of disruption. Posts the author has requested hidden. Posts that are obviously incorrect or misleading. This includes attempts to spread misinformation or to impersonate another individual. Posts that contain generalized and negative assertions about any race, nation, creed, class, ethnic group, sexual orientation, etc. Posts that advocate the mass physical elimination of a specific race, nation, creed, class, ethnic group, sexual orientation, etc, or that link to websites that advocate the same. Posts that treat the newswire as a personal "bulletin board" with non-political content directed at one or another newswire participants. Unreadable formats (i.e. photos posted as text). Posts titled "test". Duplicate posts (including duplicate photographs). Advertising of products or for-profit services. Pornography, excepting sexually explicit satire.
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by raskache
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 1:56 PM
so I don't get why you hid my posting, IMC.
elsewhere I've provided lots of what I think is useful, helpful information, some of which has been posted under your main section in various places. so obviously I'm not a spammer, I'm not posting hate messages or anything weird like that, and you guys apparently find my information useful.
Anyway, I get the point loud and clear. I won't bother posting anything else here. Just keep in mind, when you're dealing with serious shit like these SOS/MM people are, you should be including people who could potentially benefit the effort to effectively counter them with creativity, love, and humor, and not excluding, as you have in the past, and as you apparently continue to do now (I was involved with your collective a long time ago and left because of a similar sense of exclusion and dominant ideology).
anyway, I won't hold it against you. I know it's hard to avoid replicating all the mierda they program into our heads. buena suerte to you, and peace and love & rage.
-Raska Che Hardcore Revolutionist & Part-Time Payaso
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by raskache
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 2:15 PM
***** THIS POST HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY CENSORED BY MISTAKE. PLEASE ACCEPT OUR APOLOGY-- LA-IMC MODERATOR ******* hey somebody on another post earlier about the first BP demo suggested we have a big carne asada cookout instead of another big confrontation. I think that was an excellent onda!!!
based on SOS's own strategizing etc., what they want is a big media event, another confrontation, violence, arrests, etc. etc. We should not be playing into their spectacle society.
Maybe people are already organizing this & I'm just fuera del loop but if not, this is my suggestion: have a community cookout on the other end of the train platform where the monument is and just let them do their thing, don't play into their shit, invite the neighborhood to come buy some cheap tacos, some ice creams, etc. Pass out information, talk to people, have some dancing, some teatro maybe. Let their shit fizzle out. Nobody there supports them anyway, it's not like passing drivers are gonna turn anti-immigrant because these pendejos are waving their stupid signs and US flags. On the contrary.
Let's beat them with an army of taco vendors and paleteros and IG-NORANCE--as in, let's just ignore them and make a vibrant, festive, communal space instead!!! Somebody bring some phat banda music, some nortenyas, some rancheras. hell, let's stop off in ELA and pick up some mariachis on the way!!! There was a lot of cool sexy people at the last demo--I say we get some good music going and some dancing, some charla...much more fun than yelling at a bunch of tontos with their heads up their culos.
oh, and we should try to make un monton de potato tacos or something for all the vegetarianos don't get left out.
I don't know, anyway, maybe this could be just one component of other actions. just some ideas. we have to remember to always stay creative, don't let them rope us into predictable roles and games.
And HAVE FUN, PEOPLES!!! Love, joy, desire, laughter, humor--these will always be our most powerful weapons. ***** THIS POST HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY CENSORED BY MISTAKE. PLEASE ACCEPT OUR APOLOGY-- LA-IMC MODERATOR *******
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by The Overlord
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 2:25 PM
The immaturity, illegality and violence of the reek-on-keesters represent will always roar to the surface.
Not used to your lefty BS being opposed by anyone?
Those days are over, payasos.
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by raskache
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 2:53 PM
thanks IMC for reposting, you can kill my previous rant. I appreciate your attention. you can kill this posting too.
Raska Che
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by littlebopeep
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 3:49 PM
Honestly, i have seen a lot of tainted video, but that takes the cake. As if the folks against SOS were peaceful??????
They were an angry, vulgar mob that shouted cuss words all day long....constantly taunting for a violent reaction. I was an objective bystander that day, and your video is a complete joke.
Also, those shots Turner were right after the old woman was hit in the head, and he was very upset. What did you expect ? And yes, she was hit by a bottle, everyone saw it.
Did some of them react in a wrong way, of course...some always will. But that does not mean they are all that way....just like your side. However , they were little kids compared to your mob.
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by Papa Cortez
Friday, Jun. 03, 2005 at 8:55 AM
Here is the ironic thing about this whole situation: many of the people you may encounter in the anti-illegal movement may be racist, that's just unavoidable. However, those are the people you should fear the least. Their is a vast, vast army of good people, of all races, who just don't like your politics and rhetoric. When you and your amigos say things like, 'just wait until we take over' or 'we're gonna kick the whites out of here', you have made enemies of most whites and many non-hispanics.
This is your worst mistake, and will be the end of your cause as you know it. Trust me, when you come knocking at our doors, when you put our lives and property at risk, you will be turned away.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Friday, Jun. 03, 2005 at 9:10 AM
> Posts that are obviously incorrect or misleading. > This includes attempts to spread misinformation or > to impersonate another individual. > Posts that contain generalized and negative > assertions about any race, nation, creed, class, > ethnic group, sexual orientation, etc. > Posts that advocate the mass physical elimination > of a specific race, nation, creed, class, ethnic group, > sexual orientation, etc, or that link to websites that > advocate the same.
Removing such postings doesn't seem at all reasonable to me -- with the exception of clowns impersonating others.
Personally, I _want_ to see who's advocating genocide so that they can be exposed, avoided, and put down.
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by The Voice of Truth Speaks
Friday, Jun. 03, 2005 at 1:21 PM
 baldwinpark1.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x182
The reason why the SOS protestors are protesting the Baldwin Park monument is because of statements like those found in the pic I attached. It says that this land will one day be taken way from America and given back to the Indians and/or Mexicans (it's not exactly clear which). That is frankly racist. California is now very diverse, with not just whites and Hispanics (both white and non-white), but also significant numbers of blacks and Asians. They don't count? This is their land too, as well as every Americans. But it is NOT Mexican territory. For as many times as your side automatically claimw the SOS crowd to be racist, it is they that are fighting for removal of racist inscriptions like in the picture. The other one says "It was better before they came." Now who is the real racist? Go on, tell me to "Go Back to Europe" again.
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by LFC
Friday, Jun. 03, 2005 at 9:29 PM
to the self-important "voice of reason", although, i am sure you are aware of this, but the quote: "it was better before they came" was something that was heard a lot from the mouths of white people referring to the immigrants in Baldwin Park, during the early half of the last century. the artist has stated that many times. SOS obviously has to be aware of this. which brings m to my point. these SOS fuckers are getting under everyone's skin, and that is their plan of action. they are scheming and they are chickenshits. i don't want to be a name-caller, but it is very plain for anyone to see. i mean, they are a bunch of racists, i just checked out their website, but they are 21st century media-savvy racists. racists are pretty much all the same, they are all cowards, but these guys pass the verge, because they are using PR to their advantage. they know they can't come out and be openly racist, that is bad PR. we can't play into their game. the festival idea is a really good one, it should include some "soccer" games though.
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by LFC
Friday, Jun. 03, 2005 at 9:30 PM
to the self-important "voice of reason", although, i am sure you are aware of this, but the quote: "it was better before they came" was something that was heard a lot from the mouths of white people referring to the immigrants in Baldwin Park, during the early half of the last century. the artist has stated that many times. SOS obviously has to be aware of this. which brings m to my point. these SOS fuckers are getting under everyone's skin, and that is their plan of action. they are scheming and they are chickenshits. i don't want to be a name-caller, but it is very plain for anyone to see. i mean, they are a bunch of racists, i just checked out their website, but they are 21st century media-savvy racists. racists are pretty much all the same, they are all cowards, but these guys pass the verge, because they are using PR to their advantage. they know they can't come out and be openly racist, that is bad PR. we can't play into their game. the festival idea is a really good one, it should include some "soccer" games though.
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by Voice of Reason II
Friday, Jun. 03, 2005 at 11:01 PM
LFC: Do you really believe some white guy from Arkansas is the inspiration behind Baca's work? If you believe this line, I have a bridge for sale. The monument is called "Indigenous Dances". It speaks of the villages dying. It talks about this becoming Mexican land once again. The creator has publicly stated that this land was illegally acquired. She reinforces that in the bio section of her website. Oh yeah...but some white guy said it. Nevermind that given the context of all these things...it boggles the mind that a chicana activist artist like Baca would put it up...it STILL CONTRADICTS the babblings from her own mouth. She stated in the SGV Tribune: http://www.sgvtribune.com/Stories/0,1413,205~12220~2866914,00.html "The worst parts of us as human beings should never be encouraged,' Baca said. "Spewing hatred is not American..." So...let me get this straight...Baca calls Joseph Turner and SOS the "contemporary Klan" and chastises them for spewing hatred. Yet, she spews hatred and encourages the worst part of humanity by quoting some white guy lamenting the incursion of Mexicans/illegals into Baldwin Park? By the way...she has also stated that the monument represented the voices of the community of the citizens of Baldwin Park. Was Anzaldua a resident of the city of Baldwin Park? To my knowledge she was not. So...apparently, this is another fabrication to justify this hate and sedition on the part of Baca. Finally...the actions of the Mechistas on May 14th only confirmed that SOS was correct in its interpretation. Or, are you saying that the Mechistas are also misunderstanding the art?
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by Voice of Reason 1
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 at 8:02 AM
Thanks Voice II for a great post.
LFC - All you do is offer a conspiracy theory on how the SOS members are racist, without any support. They must be, because they see the world differently than you, right? And your way is the only orthodox way to see the world, right? No room for dissention in your world.
BTW - You completely ignored the other quote that this land will be Mexican and/or Indian again (i.e., taken away from Americans of all races, whether white, black, Asian or Hispanic.) It is a big reason the SOS protestors are in Baldwin Park, but you overlooked it.
So why do you claim SOS is racist? We believe in securing the borders because al Queda recruits are likely crossing and have crossed the U.S.-Mexican border already. LFC - Have any solutions here? Love the terrorists so they won't want to kill us anymore?
We oppose open borders as the illegal immigrants take jobs away from working-class Americans, often African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans (yes, the ones that are already citizens), and legal residents. There is no such thing as a job an American will not do, but there are jobs Americans will not do for minimum wage. If you folks are such progressives, fighting for economic justice, how come you are not fighting to protect American families from having their wages suppressed? How come you are not demanding that anyone hired for any job be paid a respectable, living wage?
Guess what? If illegals had to be paid as well as Americans expect to be, no one would be hiring them. Greedy American businesses hire illegals because they will work for wages Americans will not consider working for. The illegals are getting exploited, and Americans are losing their jobs. Where’s your anger at this, LFC?
Ironically, it’s the SOS protestors whom are fighting for protecting the wages of American, and for protecting their jobs and ending this system of economic slavery in which illegals are allowed to come here (by non-enforcement of our immigration laws), then paid wages no American can live off of. Again, any solutions LFC? Still want the border open?
But notice one thing – there’s no racism underlying this. There are concerns over economic justice, protecting our jobs, wages, culture and territory. But you will still claim “racism” over and over again to recruit members for your counter-protests. But frankly, your claims are dishonest and I think you damn well know it.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 at 9:27 AM
> The reason why the SOS protestors are protesting > the Baldwin Park monument is because of > statements like those found in the pic I attached. It > says that this land will one day be taken way from > America and given back to the Indians and/or > Mexicans (it's not exactly clear which). That is frankly > racist.
Well, that's what the "worthy opposition" wants their fellow uneducated, ignorant Republican followers to believe, any way. It's _such_ a coincidence that the hatred and bigotry and the violence against anti-race hate and pro-freedom of speech activists just happens to meet with the history of oppression and the Nazi ideals. What a coincidence.
The fact that the monument speaks the truith, the fact that the monument specifically describes racial harmony is something the racist white Repubican hate mongers "forget" to mention.
Anyone else notice how ironic it is that a monument maybe only a 1000 people around the world ever knew about has now become an artifact of freedom of speech and an artifact of anti-hate around the country thanks to these "Save Our State" a.k.a. "Minutemen" a.k.a. Whatever True American Heros?
Thanks, guys! You did good.
One of the telling aspects about all this is the fact that the bad guys are always in a scramble to try to silence the overtly racist rhetoric and violence from their team whereas the good guys don't have to issue disclaimers and specifically ask racists to not join them. The fact that the bad guys _do_ have to issue disclaimers and ask their Nazi, Aryan Nations, et al. ideological buddies not to join them wearing Nazi symbols and such speaks volumes about who's advocfating good, and who's defending evil -- and who is the real American and who's in opposition to the American Dream.
Now obviously these are all my opinions and I may be mistaken in a great many ways. However I firmly believe what we see in the rhetoric and actions of the "Save Our State" a.k.a. "Minutemen" a.k.a. Whatever people is stuff taught in High School history class covering the rise of Nazi Germany, culminating in the Neuremburg Laws of 1935. The parallels are too many toi discount out-of-hand.
Americans _must_ oppose such ideologies if the Republic is to survive -- more so when laboring under the thumb of this current fascist regime.
Americans can't do anything about hijacked voting machines and stolen elections and war crime atrocities being committed in their name, but _here_ is a place where Americvans can stand and make a difference. Here's a place we won't step aside and let the racist hate mongering Republican bigots attack fellow Americans for the "sin" of having brown skin, and attack our Constitutional rights of speech, art, and expression.
My opinions only, of course.
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by Right thinking, Right Action
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 at 10:41 AM
Well, that's what the "worthy opposition" wants their fellow uneducated, ignorant Republican followers to believe, any way. It's _such_ a coincidence that the hatred and bigotry and the violence against anti-race hate and pro-freedom of speech activists just happens to meet with the history of oppression and the Nazi ideals. What a coincidence.
>>> Pro-free speech? HA HA HA. Maybe for yourselves, the Politburo. Certainly not anyone else. The fact that the monument speaks the truith, the fact that the monument specifically describes racial harmony is something the racist white Repubican hate mongers "forget" to mention.
>>>> The monument speaks “the truth?” You mean, Mexicans and Indians are planning to rise up against America? And when is that racial harmony supposed to take place. AFTER the White man is gone? The real racists want open borders. What can the parasitic fleas do but protest the dog’s taking a bath? Anyone else notice how ironic it is that a monument maybe only a 1000 people around the world ever knew about has now become an artifact of freedom of speech and an artifact of anti-hate around the country thanks to these "Save Our State" a.k.a. "Minutemen" a.k.a. Whatever True American Heros?
>>>> Imagine a monument with a Star of David on one side and a swastika on the other. Now imagine how many liberals would defend such a monument because of the Star, while ignoring the Swastika. Without selective memory and the ignorance of youth, the left would never gain a foothold with its ineffective politics.
One of the telling aspects about all this is the fact that the bad guys are always in a scramble to try to silence the overtly racist rhetoric and violence from their team whereas the good guys don't have to issue disclaimers and specifically ask racists to not join them.
>>>>> Ever check out the indymedia ‘rules?’ There’s all kinds of restrictions, including calls against (bottle-throwing) violence. Don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful for all the violent, ignorant freaks on the left. Their nose rings and that stupid ‘A’ symbol say far more about them than I ever could. Show your true commie colors so Joe Sixpack wakes up to the nightmare. The fact that the bad guys _do_ have to issue disclaimers and ask their Nazi, Aryan Nations, et al. ideological buddies not to join them wearing Nazi symbols and such speaks volumes about who's advocfating good, and who's defending evil -- and who is the real American and who's in opposition to the American Dream.
>>>>> Your version of the American Dream is a communist nightmare. Yet even you know your politics would never work, otherwise you and your lackeys would already be thriving in a communist commune. You can talk the talk, but not walk the walk. Meanwhile, capitalism provides wealth and opportunity for all every day. Now obviously these are all my opinions and I may be mistaken in a great many ways.
>>>>> You are mistaken in a great many ways, beginning with having the gaul to call anyone who disagrees with the communist fantasy a “nazi.” Children who shit their diapers scream louder and louder, that’s the leftist way in a nutshell. There’s certainly no rational arguments against the Minutemen or SOS here.
>>>> You and the septic tank do more to prove the kookiness than the Right ever could. Hope to see you at Baldwin. Try not to throw any marbles and bottles this time.
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by Voice of Reason II
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 at 10:56 AM
Fredric L. Rice wrote:
"Well, that's what the "worthy opposition" wants their fellow uneducated, ignorant Republican followers to believe, any way."
Save Our State's leader and many of its members are not even Republican. Nor are they supporters of Bush's open borders policies that seek to benefit multinational corporations at the expense of the middle class and illegal aliens.
In fact, many have called for the impeachment of Bush and voted for a lesbian liberal named Cynthia Matthews in order to oust David Dreier (one of the most powerful Republicans in Congress).
But...don't let facts and logic get in you way.
Clearly, you think anyone who opposes illegal immigration is a racist republican member of Hitler's SS. That is very sad.
The problem with your tenuous position is that your side does not allow for any room for an American to be opposed to illegal immigration. Anyone who opposes illegal immigration is a racist...except Ceasar Chavez.
Or, have revisionist historians now brainwashed you to believe that Chavez was more sympathetic of the illegal alien than members of Save Our State or the Minutemen?
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by The MórrÃÂÂgan
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 at 1:43 PM
Neo-nazis? Six members of the National Alliance, a neo-Nazi group whose members have been involved in crimes including assassination, shootouts with police, the machine-gun murder of a Jewish talk show host, bank robberies, and plots to bomb Disney World showed up for the Minuteman Project's Arizona action, and two talked about setting up sniper position.. A member of the Aryan Nations participated in your project. Racists? Chris Simcox, MMP co-leader: "I've lived in Manhattan and I have lived in Chicago and I have lived in Los Angeles. These people don't come here to work. They come here to rob and deal drugs," Simcox said of Mexican immigrants. And Simcox on Los Angeles: "Oh, Jesus, it is unbelievable. I mean, we need the National Guard to clean out all our cities and round them up. They are hard-core criminals. They have no problem slitting your throat and taking your money or selling drugs to your kids or raping your daughters and they are evil people." Or let's talk about MMP volunteer Jim McCutchen's anti-Semitism and his contacts with the white supremacist hate group Council of Conservative Citizens, which has described blacks as a "retrograde species of humanity." (from Bill Berkowitz, "The Minutemen and the Media" http://www.workingforchange.com/article.cfm?ItemID=19008 ) Cesar Chavez? I'm a fan of Dolores Huerta, UFW's co-founder and current Emeritus VP, awarded the CA Senate Outstanding Labor Leader Award, etc., etc. And joined in the 2002 L.A. immigrants' rights march And there's the UFW's support of the AFL-CIO's 2000 Call for Amnesty for undocumented residents. Huerta: "Our position is that we should give undocumented workers amnesty..." So don't tell me the Minutemen aren't infested with neo-nazis and racists. And don't tell me about the UFW of forty years ago. It's only truth. It won't kill you . . . I don't think.
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by ModerateLib
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 at 2:19 PM
Is it legal for this guy to come to the Baldwin Park Rally Armed? Should we notify the police?
Oneinchgroup: Posted: Jun 3 2005, 02:11 PM
Walmart. Argh. Nope, not gonna provide any more cash to the Chinese Military by shopping there.
Crossroads of the West gun show is this weekend at the Costa Mesa Fairgrounds....maybe I'll see a few of you there. (according to our opponents, I'll be easily recognizable in my hood and robe). -------
Was looking more at one of the new Colt Defenders. Maybe a new 40. Glock's mag stacks are too fat for the big caliber pistol ammo. Can't get a good grip on a staggered magazine like those, the damn grip's too fat.
Used to the 1911 style pistols, old habits die hard.
There are some here that are worried about my statements about firearms. I am concerned if members here are worried, others less so.
People on indymedia that are making a big deal out of it....let's think who they are for a second. Foaming at the mouth liberals. They think all guns are evil, that no one should have them...and we should all live in our marshmallow houses in the trees so we don't hurt mother earth. Then again, their perfect world is everyone standing in line for bread.
Ok. When someone threatens me with being overrun by a mob...or that they're going to jump one of us while were walking down the street... I take that a bit personal.
The 2nd Amendment has always protected the 1st.
I will not edit my posts to remove everything that mentions firearms, because some group of kook moonbats thinks they are evil. I'm glad they're scared of guns. Maybe they won't jump one of us in the street if they know we're armed. Ever think of that?
I've been professionally trained. I don't carry my gun tucked into a waistband. I am safe and professional when I handle firearms. My firearm (when carried) is to protect me from them, not to attack them or sit on the side of the road and pick off members of their protest.
Self Defence. It is my right. My weapons are lawful. I will not relinquish that right.
Freedom of Speech. It is my right. My words may be a bit strong for some, but I will not relinquish that right either.
LAW ENFORCEMENT: You are in absolutely no danger from me. I used to do your job, and I respect your courage and your dedication immensely. Let me also assure you I have no bazookas, nuclear bombs, or napalm. I have a couple of handguns. Nothing to worry about...they're for self defence only. I do not carry in a crowd. I carry when by myself in neighborhoods that are not quite Disneyland. After the threats made to members of this board, NOT carrying would be a serious danger to my future health. I see the tagged mexican gang members watching. I want there to be no mistake that I am watching as well. Thanks.
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by Stopsosnow
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 at 2:41 PM
An IRC Channel has been set up on DALnet, instead of Yahoo Messenger chat. Here's the "how-to" to get you up and running on IRC. It is my intention to provide a place that is a bit more secure than Messenger, for recruitment and planning. If you already have an IRC client, just log into a DALNET server and join #SaveOurState. This is the main channel, and there will be others created on an invite only basis....for direct planning and conference reasons. Here's a free client. It's called Visual IRC and can be found at the VIRC homepage at http://www.visualirc.net/download.php Download and install, then run the program. There will be an icon placed on your desktop. Double click the icon and fire up VIRC. Once you get inside the program, look for the CONFIGURATION button. It's the one with the tools over a box. Click it to open the Config window. Under Initial Setup: Remove the two user names vircuser and the other. Add your user name, and an alternate to the Default Nicks section. Under IDENT: Blank or something non identifying Under REAL NAME: Blank or something non identifying Default server: use the "..." button just to the right of the field for default server, pick a DALNET server closest to you. Look for one with CA in the name if you're in California, etc. You should be ready to connect now. There are a lot of other options to tweak so files can be sent between people, etc, but the initial set up is done. Check the tickbox at the bottom of the configuration screen, the one that says "save to ini", this will save your changes to the program. Connect to the internet, and click on the "start" button at the top left of the VIRC program. A server window will pop up. Click on the connect button at the top left of the server window, you are now on the IRC network. to join the Saveourstate channel, type the following in the command line for the VIRC program. /join #saveourstate That's it, you're in. Now uninstall that damned Yahoo messenger before someone uses it to plant a trojan horse on your system. See you on IRC. Send me a PM if you're interested in being an operator for the IRC Channel. It's slow now, but I'm sure the goofballs will be following us over there shortly.
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by Vicki
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 at 5:37 PM
The police and the National Guard have already been notified, expecting the violence from the hispanic and communist side, again.
They will be prepared this time, to make sure, you thugs do no more harm to elderly women.
The authorities will make sure, that Americans, true Americans, have the right to free speech, without threat of violence.
Just like the last time, everything will be on video, and again, the world will see, that you are the racists and the violent ones.
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by sosisracist
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 7:23 AM
We are not ones spending the weekend shopping for Baldwin Park at Gun stores.
Walmart. Argh. Nope, not gonna provide any more cash to the Chinese Military by shopping there.
Crossroads of the West gun show is this weekend at the Costa Mesa Fairgrounds....maybe I'll see a few of you there. (according to our opponents, I'll be easily recognizable in my hood and robe).
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by More Voices in My Head
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 11:08 AM
 bp1.jpgxfbesv.jpg, image/jpeg, 300x200
This is the guy that chanted "viva al-Zarqawi, the Gringo Killer" Check it out for yourself at: http://www.teamamericapac.org/ta-gg-050523-baldwinpark.shtml So that is not racism? Just because he's on your side, he must not be racist, right? Let's hear you make lame excuses for this guy.
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by Al-Zar-Kow-ee = human dung
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 11:18 AM
That thing is so ugly I doubt I could like it even if it was on the SOS's side.
Ugh. The left can be ugly both inside AND out.
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by More Voices in My Head
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 11:22 AM
 aztlan_protestor__from_la.indymedia.org_.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x900
This pic is from THIS WEBSITE. Los Angeles is no longer part of America? The Whites are termed "Pilgrims"? And you claim to be for harmony between all races and colors -- Did you ask any Asian-Americans or African-Americans for their agreement on taking L.A. away from the U.S. and making it part of Mexico? Of course not. You're about as racist as they come, just your racism is pro-brown, anti-white, and F everyone else.
For that matter, 90% of Mexicans and those from Latin America are descendents of the Spanish and Portuguese settlers whom came to the New World, and not of Native American descent. So this "pilgrim" nonsense applies equally to all whom came to this continent from Europe. That includes almost everyone on you side. Feel free to ignore the truth of this message, as you have all others that challenge your underlying prejudices.
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by Latinos Unidos
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 12:14 PM
Be very careful about the post "How to get into the sos war room." That might be a ruse from SOS or other racist organization for getting your IP address. DON'T FALL FOR THE TRAP. DON'T DO IT.
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by littlebopeep
Monday, Jun. 06, 2005 at 7:42 PM
Hey, we want you there, really ! We are waiting for your civilized and reasoned discourse! Silly racists, tricks are for kids.....
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Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 6:47 AM
Most trolls wrote: "Also SOS and MM are fronts for the real enemy"
Can anyone here enlighten me as to who the real enemy is?
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by Voice
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 10:10 AM
ARVN - The real enemy is an immoral system that allows illegal immigrants to be exploited. They work under the table and are not provided benefits like medical. Americans whom used to do the same work (like light manufacturing, construction, food processing) are out of work, as they will not work such jobs for minimum wage. There really is no such thing as a job Americans will not do, but there are jobs Americans will not do for $6 an hour. Try raising that wage to a respectable living wage of at least $12-$15 an hour. And if the market place dictates you need to raise it further in order to attract U.S. workers and legal residents, then the businesses should be forced to do so.
So businesses exploit this system in which both the illegal immigrants and U.S. workers both lose. The business owners, and corrupt politicians that accept their contributions, are about the only winners. That particularly includes our open-borders President, Mr. Bush, and good deal of Republicans and Democrats. The party affiliation does not matter. They're on the take and doing their financial contributors' bidding, not representing average citizens well. And taxpayers are forced to cover a number of services as these illegal immigrants do not earn enough to contribute much to the tax base (those that actually do pay taxes - these jobs are often under-the-table).
The enemy is not a group, but a much larger system. And many of those claiming to march for "social equality" in this case are unfortunately helping these elitist businesses continue a system of exploitation of foreign workers. They mean well, but are unfortunate pawns not seeing the larger picture.
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