Civil Liberties Defense Coalition (CLDC)
For the Los Angeles City Council Resolution against the USA PATRIOT Act, and other related measures.
Greetings, Fellow Peace Activists,
We have come a long way since March in voicing our opposition to the USA PATRIOT Act. We now need major assistance from you as we grow closer to an outcome at the city government level. In November, a resolution in opposition to the USA PATRIOT Act was introduced by Los Angeles City Councilwoman Jan Perry, and then seconded by Councilman Eric Garcetti. Councilpersons Ed Reyes, Cindy Miscikowski, and Tony Cardenas have signed on to it.
The resolution has been forwarded to the Arts, Parks, Health & Aging Committee for further consideration and recommendations. We will meet with this committee on Tuesday, December 2, 2003, at 8:30 a.m. We ask that you urge members of your organization &/or patrons of your business to make telephone calls now to the Committee Members listed below. Please ask each of these members to support Councilwoman Perry’s resolution and to allow it to move forward to the entire City Council for a final vote.
Tom La Bonge, Arts, Parks, Health & Aging Committee Chair
District 4
City Hall Office (213) 473.7004
200 N. Spring Street, Rm 480
Alex Padilla, District 7
City Hall Office (213) 473.7007
200 N Spring Street, Rm 465
Martin Ludlow, District 10
City Hall Office (213)473.7010
200 N. Spring Street, Rm 430
Los Angeles, CA 90012
You do not need to be a resident of the City Council Districts that these Councilmembers represent. As members of the Arts, Parks, Health & Aging Committee, they represent all City of Los Angeles residents. Please voice your concerns and ask for their support.
Once we succeed in this process, the resolution will then come up for vote by the City Council. At present, we remain three votes short of the required majority that will make Los Angeles the largest city in the United States to pass a resolution against the USA PATRIOT Act! Calls from your organization members &/or business patrons will help to persuade the Councilmembers to cast the votes that we need.
Several days prior to this final vote, we will also need you to make telephone calls, and we invite members from your organizations to be in the Council Chambers to support the Resolution when Councilmembers cast their final votes. I shall keep you informed in this regard. Note that even if your Councilperson has already signed on to the resolution petition, this does not guarantee us their votes. We need as many Councilmembers as we can to support the resolution.
Elsewhere, you and your members can go to to sign the petition online and send a letter to your respective Councilperson letting them know you are opposed to the USA PATRIOT Act and other related programs, executive orders, and measures.
Finally, the coalition will be using all of the petition signatures gathered for lobbying efforts now and when we join forces with the California Bill Of Rights Defense Committee on a State Resolution against the USA PATRIOT Act.
Your support is Greatly Appreciated!
If you have questions, please email me at or call 323.839.3917.
Liberty and Justice For All,
June T. Kuwatani
Neighbors for Peace & Justice
Civil Liberties Defense Coalition,
Steering Committee
Current Endorsing Organizations for the
Community Resolution to Protect Civil Liberties Campaign,
Los Angeles, CA
African Legal Defense Education Fund, Inc.
AFSCME – Local 2626 Librarians’ Guild
American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee- LA/OC American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
American Friends Service Committee – Pacific Southwest Region
Amnesty International USA –Western Region
Arab American Institute Asian Pacific American Legal Center
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
Bill of Rights Defense Committee (BORDC)
Central American Resource Center (CARECEN)
Center for Democracy and Technology
Coalition for Educational Justice
Coalition LA
Council on American-Islamic Relations - Southern California (CAIR)
Electronic Privacy Information Clearinghouse (EPIC)
Faith United Methodist Church
Families to Amend California’s Three Strikes (FACTS)
Fellowship of Reconciliation – Los Angeles
First Amendment Foundation
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Human Relations Commission, City of Los Angeles
Interfaith Coalition for Social Justice - Orange County
Interfaith Communities for Justice and Peace (ICUJP)
Japanese American Citizens League
Korean Immigrant Workers Advocates (KIWA)
Korean Resource Center
Labor/Community Strategy, Center 2 – Bus Riders Union
Libertarian Party of Orange County
Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)
National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Coalition to Protect Political Freedom
National Committee Against Repressive Legislation
National Council of La Raza
Neighbors for Peace and Justice – Echo Park/ Silverlake/Los Feliz/Atwater (NPJ)
Neighbors for Peace and Justice – Northeast Los Angeles
Neighbors for Peace and Justice – San Pedro
Neighbors for Peace and Justice – Studio City
Neighbors for Peace and Justice – Venice
NIKKEI For Civil Rights & Redress
Northeast Democratic Club
People for the American Way (PFAW)
Progressive Jewish Alliance (PJA)
Project Islamic Hope
Rainbow/PUSH Coalition – Los Angeles
Refuse and Resist – Los Angeles
Saint Joseph Justice Center
SEIU – Local 535
Sikh Mediawatch and Resource Task Force
South Asian Network (SAN)
Southern California Americans for Democratic Action
U.S. Labor Against War – Los Angeles
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregation