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by RANDY GRANY Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 at 4:17 PM

Photos from the march, more to follow

bush.jpgy6peuo.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480

Here are some of the pics from the march
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Super Support

by RANDY GRANY Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 at 4:17 PM

Super Support...
rally38.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480

Several Super heros were on hand to lend their support to the anti war movement.
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Hollywood protest

by RANDY GRANY Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 at 4:17 PM

Hollywood protest...
rally9.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480

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Converting Cops

by RANDY GRANY Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 at 4:17 PM

Converting Cops...
rally13.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480

A member of the green party attemps to sway the police to the green party cause
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Hollywood Protest

by RANDY GRANY Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 at 4:17 PM

Hollywood Protest...
rally6.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480

police estimate the crowd at 15,000 by 3:00pm
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by RANDY GRANY Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 at 4:17 PM

rally43.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480

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Report from La March

by p_b Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 at 6:03 PM

Wow. It was an amazig turn out. I won't even begin to guess the numbers of people who came to the march today. We were lucky enough to be able tt take the subway, saving on oil-which this war is about-and were delivered right to Hollywood and Vine in to the thick of it. When the train pulled into the station, cheer went up as the doors opened. Youcould already tell this was a much bigger march then the one in January.

So many great signs. Many of them, and I'd say more than the downtown march, were handmade. Lots of duct tape signs. Duct tape this! with a picture of Bush was my favorite. 6 little boys took their shirts off and wrote NO War on their little chests and stomachs. they raced around the march stopping for a pictureor two but clearly having a great time expressing themselves. It was aboutbeing seen and being heard. George W. Bush-are you listening yet?

There was also much greater diversity amongst the crowd this time. Los Angeles was well represented and Angelinos should be proud. Hidden in the crowd were two celebrities opting for sweats and sunglasses and calling no attention to themselves. It was a march for peace and for freedom of speech evenf or them.

Got flashed a peace sign from Scientologists who watched from the buildings overlooking Hollywood Boulevard.

The police kept their distance and remained polite. The only arrest I personally saw was of a young woman who jumped a wall to make a short cut thru a parking lot. She got handcuffs but a lawyer's guild representative kept a watchful eye over the event.

It was so loud, so crowded, I could barely hear a word of the speakers. But that's ok. i wouldn't have missed it for anything.

We are the people.
The mighty mighty people.
Everywhere we go,
People want to know:
Who we are.
So we tell them.
We are the people.
The mighty mighty people.

Are you listening George W. Bush?


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Report from LA March

by Bush Admirer Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 at 7:34 PM

Wow. It was an amazing turn out of losers. I won't even begin to guess the numbers of losers who came to the march today. Most were unemployed, so they took the subway. They started at Hollywood and Vine, the center weirdo universe. When the train pulled into the station, cheers went up weirdos who were already their welcomed newly arriving weirdos.

Most of the weirdos had signs. Many of them, and I'd say more than the downtown march, were handmade. Lots of duct tape signs. Duct tape this! with a picture of Bush was my especially pathetic. 6 little boys took their shirts off and wrote NO War on their little chests and stomachs. they raced around the march stopping for a picture or two but clearly having a great time making fools of themselves. It was a celebration of foolishness. George W. Bush has to be laughing non stop.

There was also much greater diversity amongst the crowd this time. Stupidity comes in all colors. Hidden in the crowd were two celebrities opting for sweats and sunglasses and calling no attention to themselves. They're dumb, or they wouldn't have shown up, but they're not so dumb as to go public with their identities.

Some of the self deluded attendees fellt it was a march for peace and for freedom of speech even for them.

Other weirdos were lurking nearby -- Got flashed a peace sign from Scientologists who watched from the buildings overlooking Hollywood Boulevard.

The police kept their distance and remained polite. The only arrest I personally saw was of a young woman who jumped a wall to make a short cut thru a parking lot. She got handcuffs but a lawyer's guild representative kept a watchful eye over the event.

It was so loud, so crowded, I could barely hear a word of the speakers. But that's ok. i wouldn't have missed it for anything.

We are the jerks.
The mighty mighty jerks.
Everywhere we go,
People want to know:
Why are we jerks whining and complaining.
So we tell them.
We are the jerks.
The mighty mighty jerks.

George W. Bush is laughing (hysterically)

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wow, Bush Admirer is back

by 777777777 Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 at 7:50 PM

Amazing. I guess he got tired of posting as Simple Simon.

The funny thing is, way back on Oct. 26th, Bush Admirer was spending most of his time on, laughing about what he considered were 10 or 20 protestors getting together and comparing notes -- smelly hippies, he called them.

So, now he's back, to post and complain about the anti-war demonstrations again. And now, there's probably something like 20 million people all around the world, protesting.

Hey ass hole, if you're not paid by the government, listen-up: Iraq isn't a significant threat. Israel moved them from #1 down to #6 on their list (it's public record, and a software entrepreneur from Texas - as you claim to be, should have the intelligence to find the info). The CIA released a report in Oct. 2002 indicating that Iraq didn't pose a major threat when it came to weapons of mass destruction, but would if we attacked. And on and on an on.

You're such an ass hole that you think this is about partisan politics. There are major generals and retired generals strongly against this war. There are thousands of business people and republicans putting their names to petitions.

Take your head out of your rush limburger world. Yeah, pacifica and the left aren't perfect (you like to bitch about both). Some of their ideas aren't all that hot. But you, my friend, are as pompously ignorant as they come.
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responder to Bush Fan

by protester Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 at 7:53 PM

Bush Fan-

I guess you are trying to make yourself laugh, just to keep from crying? Your sad humor falls awfullly flat...

Join us!
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by c71898 Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 at 8:12 PM

Let's just ignore B.A.

We had a great day today! Let's keep it going! One of my favorite signs was "My government started this war on terror, and all I got was this lousy duct tape," the guy had duct tape all over himself and the sign.
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Best signs

by Christine Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 at 9:20 PM

My favorite sign of the event was the dog wearing the t-shirt that said "I lift my leg on Bushes." ;)

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by protester Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 at 9:21 PM

I was Hollywood today, thank-you to all of you who marched with me. We must remember to keep the letters and emails going to our reps. If you need address info, check here

You all made me realize, I'm not alone. thank-you

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by man Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 at 10:35 PM

rally015.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x513

this is a picture i took
rally was great! it was great to be around people who think the media is corrupt!!
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Bush Admirer

by Pablo Quixotic Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 at 11:52 PM

Hey Bush Admirer --

All I can say is the world is against you. You can sit there and run you're stupid fucking mouth all day with your banal vomiting...But, in the will lose. And, you know it.

So, sulk all you like. Because your angry-facist-neo-nazi -white hooded days are numbered asshole.

BLAH BLAH BLAH.. Your self-righteous comments reak of a person who belongs in another time and place. Maybe the 19th century perhaps?

Peace to you, my empty, shallow, fellow american.

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Signs L.A.

by Mike Griffin Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 12:19 AM 909 625 9652 438 elder dr. claremont ca. 91711

Saddam Hussein
Unelected Dictator
George W. Bush
Unelected Dick

(taped to the back of a young teenaged girl)
Fighting for peace
is like fucking for virginity

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by LondonKiwi Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 1:00 AM

It's the Bush Admirer that is turning the US into an International Pariah. As you Americans are finding out, the world is a big place with lots of people who respond to US foreign policy in different ways. They might be:

Disrespect of ALL Americans
Boycott of American products
etc, etc.

If people like Bush Admirer arent turned around with a little reality check you might find that the USA becomes a very cold and lonely place. The funny thing is that the protest in London was packed with regular people all saying NO to Bush. If the US dont stop following Bush those Ordinary people will be saying NO to anything American. The numbers are growing.......
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Thank You, LA

by Rod Amis Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 4:25 AM

Thank all of you for taking it to the streets! I will always remember this day as one of my favorites in history because the people of the world spoke up for peace.

G21: The World's Magazine

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The Great Clarifier

by Hugh G Rection Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 5:44 AM

The Great Clarifier...
emeror.jpg, image/jpeg, 596x892

Onetime, someone asked me what overweight virgins that still live at home do for their free time after whacking off to pictures of John Wayne with J Edgar Hoover, and I couldn't answer, until I read Bush Admirer's post . Now I can. Thank you Bush Admirer. God Bless.
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Praise you anti-war protesters

by Im Saddam, thanks anti-war protesters!!!!!!!! Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 5:53 AM

Dear fellow anti-war protesters,
this is saddam hussein, and i would like to thank you for supporting me against your own countries and for helping me to stay in power. Now i can use your protests as a way to divide the world and hopefully develop even more weapons before anyone can do anything about it. I praise your support, now i will proceed to kill my civilians, degrade and rape women, kill any politcal opponents, control all my slaves, oops, i mean my fellow iraqi citizens, form more terrorist ties with al quada, give support to north korea and drop nuclear/biological/chemical weapons on you democratic, capitalist, freedom loving pigs, thanks once again LIBERALS!

PS America is really after my oil, because they took it during the first gulf war, wait, they didnt take it during the first time, oops!

PSS Ignore that first PS, America REALLY really want to take over my oil, serious! Im NOT lying, you can trust me, I WOULD NEVER LIE!!! NO BLOOD FOR OIL!!! YAY!!!!
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I'd love to see the jerk with the missile dick

by Bush Admirer Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 5:59 AM

I'd love to see the jerk with the missile dick being interviewed by Bill O'Reilly on Fox News (in costume of course).

Bill really knows how to interview an asshole like that.
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Australians march against war

by Takver Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 6:05 AM

An awsome demonstration in LA. Here in Australia, massive numbers are marching against a war on Iraq, and especially Australia's involvement. Our Prime Minister, John Howard, has already sent 2,000 military personnel and equipment to the gulf. Only the USA, Britain and Australian governments have sent personnel to the Gulf and are keen to invade Iraq with or without UN support.

On Friday more than 200,000 people marched in Melbourne, the largest political demonstration the city has ever seen. Similarly on Sunday between 250,000 to 500,000 people marched in Sydney opposing war. Even the smaller capital cities achieved record turnouts in numbers of people marching: Adelaide 100,000; Brisbane up to 100,000, Perth 20,000 Hobart up to 20,000; Canberra 15,000 Darwin 2,000. Some of the regional cities and towns had strong local protests: Newcastle 20,000; Armidale 5,000; Lismore 7,000 Byron Bay 3,000 .

All told between 750,000 and 1 million Australians have marched for peace this weekend.

This is one of the most unpopular wars ever. Civil disobedience is planned in Australia (stop work industrial action, etc) if the war goes ahead. Keep on marching and we may win the peace!

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OK Bush Admirer...

by Weapon of Mass Desire Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 6:19 AM

OK Bush Admirer......
bush_sneer.jpg, image/jpeg, 584x882

Ok Bush Admirer, Funny how Bush and Jerk and Missle Dick and Asshole all ended up in the same sentence. I'll meet you soon for the interview. How about I meet you when you get off at Neverland Ranch (No Pun Intended)?
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Please post

by Bush Admirer Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 6:30 AM

Please post your contact info including email and phones. I'll be pleased to pass along to Bill O'Reilly along with your photos.

Can't wait to see your interview.
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response to "saddam"

by hahahha Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 7:03 AM

Dear Hussein poser,

Until you learn to think critically, you will continue to walk around with an empty head. The millions of people in the streets today were not out to support Hussein; they were out to oppose war. As an american citizen, I feel its my duty to hold my own elected (and unelected!) officials accountable for their actions. Until we have democracy in the United States, I do not feel its right to intervene in the affairs of others.

Already half a million children have died in Iraq as a result of twelve years of sanctions and severe bombing of the infrastructure during the 1991 war. Before that US policy was to arm Hussein with weapons of mass destruction. Donald Rumsfeld himself served as envoy to Reagan in Iraq when the kurds were gassed. (by iraq or iran?). And the US continued supporting both Iraq and Iran in that conflict after the kurds were gassed. Rumseld, Reagan, and the rest should be held accountable for their actions as complicit in the gassing of those people. Even Powell played a role in the 80's arming Hussein.

So now they want to convince you that Husssein is the ultimate evil that only they can free you from. (for a cost-- millions of US lives, and how much money?) While, meanwhile, the US continues to be the biggest arms exporter in the world-- arming dictators as bad as Hussein and worse.

HA! The ultimate evil is ignorance. Learn history or be sent to slaughter.

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Dear hahaha, lemme tell you where youre wrong

by Dear hahaha, lemme tell you where youre wrong Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 7:19 AM

Sorry but anti-war protests end up helping Saddam whether you like it or not. Ever person against the war is also helping his regime, how else do we take out Saddam? More sanctions? 12 years, that failed. More assitance, technology, money, in hopes that Saddam will live in peace with us? Clinton tried that on N Korea which became a COMPLETE failure. More inspections? Indefinately? Is it Americas responsibility to take out Iraqs weapons? If so, lets do it 100% and use force, and root out all weapons. Inspections are an absimal failure. You say there is no democracy in America, but truthfully, you had the freedom to express you ideas in your anti-war protest, nobody in iraq can have protests, or they will be executed. Iraq is in desperate need of freedom from this regime, please dont be so naive. Look at Saddam, he uses the same expressions as you guys, ''NO BLOOD FOR OIL'', etc. Your anti-war protests are helping him, even if its slighty. We supported Iraq and Iran to make sure no side was defeated, we didnt want 2 evil countries to become 1 mighty one focused on destroying America.

The cost will be great, in money terms for sure, as well as loss of life, but it is nothing compared to the day (if we allow) that Saddam will use nukes/biological/chemical weapons on us, either by means of terrorist groups or by Saddam finally getting the technology to deliver it to us. Remember Saddam is an evil dictator and he cares nothing for his own people, why would he make an exception for us?

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Poor lost little boy

by Sheepdog Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 7:30 AM

Would you like Sheepdog to take you
home where everybody is safe and comfey?
Don't worry I'll protect you from the bugerman.
There's nothing there in the dark that isn't
there in the light.
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Hahaha, read

by Hahaha, lemme tell you where youre wrong Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 7:42 AM

Sorry but anti-war protests end up helping Saddam whether you like it or not. Ever person against the war is also helping his regime, how else do we take out Saddam? More sanctions? 12 years, that failed. More assitance, technology, money, in hopes that Saddam will live in peace with us? Clinton tried that on N Korea which became a COMPLETE failure. More inspections? Indefinately? Is it Americas responsibility to take out Iraqs weapons? If so, lets do it 100% and use force, and root out all weapons. Inspections are an absimal failure. You say there is no democracy in America, but truthfully, you had the freedom to express you ideas in your anti-war protest, nobody in iraq can have protests, or they will be executed. Iraq is in desperate need of freedom from this regime, please dont be so naive. Look at Saddam, he uses the same expressions as you guys, ''NO BLOOD FOR OIL'', etc. Your anti-war protests are helping him, even if its slighty. We supported Iraq and Iran to make sure no side was defeated, we didnt want 2 evil countries to become 1 mighty one focused on destroying America.

The cost will be great, in money terms for sure, as well as loss of life, but it is nothing compared to the day (if we allow) that Saddam will use nukes/biological/chemical weapons on us, either by means of terrorist groups or by Saddam finally getting the technology to deliver it to us. Remember Saddam is an evil dictator and he cares nothing for his own people, why would he make an exception for us?
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by Spam Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 7:46 AM

& more Spam.
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Hollywood Rally

by marc brown Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 12:40 PM

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by Paul V. McDowell Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 1:25 PM

Clever parody, if wrongheaded. Speaking of weirdos and jerks, when do we get King George II off the throne? Isn't it high time for impeachment prodeedings to begin? This planned war is more of a high crime and felony (never mind misdemeanor) then former Pres. Clinton's little blowjobs that weren't sex with that woman!
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Time to Talk Impeachment

by Paul V. McDowell Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 1:26 PM

Clever parody, if wrongheaded. Speaking of weirdos and jerks, when do we get King George II off the throne? Isn't it high time for impeachment prodeedings to begin? This planned war is more of a high crime and felony (never mind misdemeanor) then former Pres. Clinton's little blowjobs that weren't sex with that woman!
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A Song for Dubya

by Christine Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 2:29 PM

A Song for Dubya
To be sung to the tune of "If you're happy and you know it...."

If you cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq.
If the markets are a drama, bomb Iraq.
If the terrorists are frisky,
Pakistan is looking shifty,
North Korea is too risky,
Bomb Iraq.

If we have no allies with us, bomb Iraq.
If we think someone has dissed us, bomb Iraq.
So to hell with the inspections,
Let's look tough for the elections,
Close your mind and take directions,
Bomb Iraq.

It's "pre-emptive non-aggression", bomb Iraq.
Let's prevent this mass destruction, bomb Iraq.
They've got weapons we can't see,
And that's good enough for me
'Cos it'a ll the proof I need
Bomb Iraq.

If you never were elected, bomb Iraq.
If your mood is quite dejected, bomb Iraq.
If you think Saddam's gone mad,
With the weapons that he had,
(And he tried to kill your dad),
Bomb Iraq.

If your corporate fraud is growin', bomb Iraq.
If your ties to it are showin', bomb Iraq.
If your politics are sleazy,
And hiding that ain't easy,
And your manhood's getting queasy,
Bomb Iraq.

Fall in line and follow orders, bomb Iraq.
For our might knows not our borders, bomb Iraq.
Disagree? We'll call it treason,
Let's make war not love this season,
Even if we have no reason,
Bomb Iraq.

- Posted on the She-Net forums by Kayte; original author unknown
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by Diogenes Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 5:53 PM

Allow me to second the motion.
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by puffar Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 6:03 PM is not americas responsibility to take out saddam.
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boycott America is a good idea

by Ruth Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 7:47 PM

The world could have a great influence by boycotting American things. Start by boycotting touring America. Boycott entertainment made in U.S. This would be very powerful.
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by RANDY GRANT (not GRANY, damn typos...) Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2003 at 10:07 AM

To Bush Lover

First off you are on the side of the tyrannical, criminal, illegally appointed Bush administration, not only that but you are dead wrong on every thing you have said in this post thus far.

There were both pro-war and anti-war forces present at the march, but I could not find many pro-war folks, the largest contingent of pro-war people out there were three guys standing on the west side of La Brea at Sunset. And at one point I witnessed a truck with Attack Iraq driving around. This and of course the pro-war rhetoric constantly being broadcast by the mainstream corporate monopoly press make up the pro war sentiment in the country compared to the hundreds of thousands of people who are actually taking to the streets in an attempt to show the world where they stand on this war. Where are the big pro-war rally’s Bush Admirer? Where are the hundreds of thousands coming out in support for sending more American troops into the Iraqi desert to get sick and ill and then return home to be cast aside by the government and denied their health benefits? Where are the countless mobs in support of killing thousands upon thousands of Iraqi civilians living under the oppressive CIA installed Dictator Saddam Hussein? Other then on Faux News or PNN, all propaganda all the time, there really is no large support for going to war. And if the people were informed to the real facts by our news media I am sure all support for this war would evaporate. If the news would tell the truth about 9/11 all support for this administration would come down faster then the planted demolition charges brought down the WTC. The NYFD has been placed under a gag order not to talk to the press about the demolition charges they found in the rubble. Radio transmission from the towers show that the NYFD actually had the fires inside the towers under control, and were fighting to put them out right before the charges went off bringing those two towers down. Firefighter engineering, the oldest fire publication in this nation exposed the truth behind what really brought the two towers down. Alex Jones has exposed the 9/11 fraud for what it is. Bush, Saddam, Bin Laden, all these names have business ties to one another that are highly questionable to say the very least.

To the poster who posted that the anti-war movement is helping Saddam, you need to become better informed. Saddam is no threat to the US, unless we attack him. Yes Iraqi agents did assist Timothy McVeigh in bombing Okalahoma. But those Iraqi agents were not working for Saddam, they were working for the CIA. But now the media is spinning it so that it will seem as if Saddam sent Iraqi agents to blow up that federal building. In the US we have a history of blowing stuff up to entice the populace into supporting criminal actions. The Maine explosion in Cube which brought about the Spanish American war, the sinking of the Lusitanian to mobilize the doughboys for WWI, the attack on Pearl Harbor a sacrifice of US troops to bring the US into WWII, the fake gulf of Tonkin attack that got the US involved in Vietnam, the attack of the USS Liberty by Israel to be blamed on Egypt, the bombing of the USS Cole to usher in the war on terror even the now released Northwood’s documents describe how the Joint Chiefs of Staff plan on using fake terror events to trick the American people into going to war on whoever the joint chiefs want to attack. If you wish to win the war on terror its simple arrest the true masters of terror sitting behind those expensive desks in Washington and else where in this nation.
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But Grany was so much cuter

by Diogenes Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2003 at 11:39 AM

For me it conjured up the image of a stately old Queen. (Just joking.)
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You need to redirect your anger Randy

by Bush Admirer Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2003 at 12:03 PM

Randy - you need to redirect your anger to the one man who can put an end to the Iraq problem. That man would be Saddam Hussein. He's the bad guy Randy, not GW Bush. GW is the good guy Randy, just one of the many good guys.

The left just doesn't get it.
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Booga,booga, booga, scary Saddam

by Diogenes Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2003 at 12:10 PM

Saddam represents Zero threat to the United States. No credible evidence has ever tied him to any attacks against the United States.
This is a War of Conquest for Geopolitical Advantage - for the NeoCons selfish interests. Nothing more.
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by Randy Grant Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2003 at 12:25 PM

Don't fall for the trap of left and right, the right say Bush is right on guns, Taxes and etc...then the Left will pick up on Guns being pro Bush and thus bad and evil, and then the Left will be for more Taxes to pay for government services since tax cuts are associated with Bush who the Left knows to be evil. Instead you should goto the root of this government if you wish to understand what is the right choice, trust in the Constitution, it was written by some really great guys who knew how to keep a nations people safe and free, and most importantly independant. Think about how dependant upon the government we have become. We now are relying on this government to protect us from terrorist, saddly not even all the Homeland Security Acts in the world could do this. Coupled with the budget cuts hitting most of the city and counties of our nation, health care departments are being cut and slashed when they should be getting additional funding to secure we the people in the event of further massive terror attacks upon the people by our corrupt shadow government.
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New Web Site!

by PeaceinOurTime Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2003 at 12:31 PM
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You need to think more clearly

by Peace Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2003 at 10:06 PM

You are not thinking clearly Bush admirer. Saddam murders and you call him evil. Bush wants to plunge the world into a holocaust and murder hundreds of thousands in order to murder one man and you call him good? How can this be good? How can someone who threatens first use of nuclear weapons be good? How can amassing the largest arsenal of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons and threatening, intimidating and dominating the world through force and violence while abrogating civil rights at home be good? How can bombing people liberate them and bring about democracy? How can making their country radioactive for four and a half billion years while making our troops sick be good? Making an example of terrorizing women and children of Iraq will not end terror but only create more terrorism. Please be more thoughtful and less emotionally reactive. Only love, peace and tolerance will put an end to fear, anger and terror. Your worship of violence as a solution to problems will soon bring an end the human race. Please think more clearly. You'll feel better. You'll be happier. Thank you.
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You need to think clearly

by Dave Asalamina Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003 at 2:02 AM

Anti liberation and prohussein demonstrators have taken to the streets! Yay!

Once again I hear the common argument that America and the Bush administration is the most EVIL, WICKED FORCE on the planet.

Gee, I wonder where you guys get this informed ideas. Maddona? Jesse Jackson? Sean Penn? Uh oh! They are definately much more informed about the true meaning of evil on this planet than our leader, Bush and all other high level government officials. Unless you talk about people like George Tenet, leader of CIA, who claims that we do not need to go into Iraq but was completely clueless about 9/11. He must know more about terrorism and the war than the elite, corporate, right wing conspiracy!

Yay! Now I'm spewing the same shit as Hussein! Look at me! I'm against the liberation of Iraq! Yay! Pro-hussein all the way!
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Peace for you, but no peace for Iraqi babies

by Dave Asalamina Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003 at 2:10 AM

HaHAH ahHAHAH HA AHA AhahHA AHA A!!! Peace thinks we're going to use nukes against Iraq. Wow, you guys ARE informed...... holy shit, just playing. That is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. I like the way you leftist Hussein fans completely LIE about what is going to happen in Iraq. This war is gonna be quick, like one week, maximum. Also, occupation will be good, as Japan and Germany were liberated, occupied, and now their economies kick ass, their people are free, etc. I've had the opportunity to go to Germany and its a much better place thanks to American involvement in WWII and in taking out the enemies and their oppressers. But you guys will never get it, sigh....its pointless to argue with communists. Anyways, joke of the day:

What do you leftist bastards call a nuclear blast within your cities (LA, San Fran, etc, etc)?!

''Proof that inspections are working''!

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And don't forget to polish your Jack Boots

by Diogenes Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003 at 9:56 AM

Gosh, did you think that up all by your little old self?

Here's one for you:

What do you call a moron who buys all the terror spin in the media and on Talk Radio?

A moron.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, , ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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by JC Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003 at 10:18 AM

You anti-American pieces of shit should just leave the US. Why dont you protest agains Saddam, to get him to cooperate fully to the weapons inspectors? Oh wait, its a Republican president, and your limited intelligence tells you Republican = bad.
You morons are standing up for a dictator who kills thousands of his own people. People with different views of him, he tortures. How do we know this? From defectors. If you call that propaganda, your very nieve.
Your only excuse to fact is that its all a lie, no real
You people are pieces of shit with no real clue on whats going on. Tell your brainless celebrities to shut up too, just because Martin Sheen can smoke weed in a movie loosely based on nothing, he thinks he knows everything.
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by CJ Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003 at 10:27 AM

Oh yeah, a Iraq scientist just revealed that Saddam has a complex network of tunnels that he hides chemical weapons in. This coming from someone who was on the inside and knows what hes talking about.
Hes even admitted that if he is attacked, he will use chemicals on attackers. AND you guys still stick up for him saying theres no evidence, very sad
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Catch the Big Lie in the above Spam

by Diogenes Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003 at 10:33 AM

Notice the spin, Psyops, everybody who opposes the war is a deluded leftist kook. Of course the people who turned out for the demonstrations included Veterans, Republicans, and Libertarians. So, I'm not buying what he is selling.

How long did they have to run the juice through this guys gonads, or how much did they pay him, to get this latest spin?

Show me the proof - not unsubstantiated allegations.

And, even if Saddam has managed to squirrel away some weaponry, he dares not use it - particulary against the U.S. - otherwise Iraq would be a Green Glass Parking Lot about 10 minutes later.

You still have not made the case for War - Shill.
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God is watching

by John Hoff Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003 at 11:31 PM

Hey there pro-war supporters, God will judge you in the end where money and oil don't mean a damn thing. The American society is just one of many and God loves all. It is what you do on earth to help mankind not benefit financially from that you become closer to God. Whether you believe this is your own free will but I will follow him.
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"if he is attacked, he will use chemicals on attackers"

by truth teller Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003 at 11:47 PM

"AND you guys still stick up for him saying theres no evidence, very sad"

No, actually what we've been saying is that if he is attacked
he will use whatever he has -- just as George Tenet,
director of the CIA, said. That makes attacking him DUMB,
not to mention immoral since the attack is actually on
the Iraqi people.
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I, for one...

by Sheepdog Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003 at 11:50 PM

would like to see Bush (and his Admirers)
being forced through the eye of a needle.
Damn me.
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Dear JC

by truth teller Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003 at 11:50 PM

"You anti-American pieces of shit"
"your limited intelligence"
"You morons"
"You people are pieces of shit"
"your brainless celebrities"

Thanks so much for your intelligent well thought out commentary.
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Oh, Horrors

by Diogenes Friday, Feb. 21, 2003 at 12:22 AM

I do believe we have been insulted. Of course it was not done very intelligently so I am really not sure.

Now that you have "spewed" do you feel better?

Well do ya' punk.
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Timothy Jones is smarter than you

by Truth teller, go fuck George Tenet Friday, Feb. 21, 2003 at 5:12 AM

You and your George Tenet who knows everything because hes god. Except wait, wasnt he the one who allowed the gay terrorists to hit us? Oh yeah, thats right, he knew absolutely nothing about 9-11. Actually, he did, but he didnt do anything about it. And know Im supposed to trust this guy on his opinion about Iraq? Hmm, ok, I think I'll just get killed by Husseins weapons of mass gaystruction, which were brought over by his terrorist friends.

Just kidding, one person says that its better not to attack Iraq now because then Iraq will attack us. Well, thats dumb, because then Gaydam is going to attack us eventually anyways, and its better to take him out now before he gets nukes. Also, everyone else in Bushs administration admits we need to take him out now. So there! I win, you lose. And when we win, youre gonna have SHIT on your face.

Damn, why do i try so hard to protect people like you guys?!
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March of the trolls

by Granny Friday, Feb. 21, 2003 at 8:10 AM

Amazing. The trolls are really flooding Indymedia since this latest global demonstration. I wonder why? Must be the budget increases congress gave to CIA. Or maybe, more Freepers have been layed off by the Bush economy and have more time on their hands.

That's assuming they had jobs in the first place, and weren't living at home with their mothers.
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someone holding a job

by Dan Friday, Feb. 21, 2003 at 3:36 PM

It's amusing to me that many of you who allie yourselves with the "Workers Party" don't seem to be gainfully employed. I wonder if you realize that the world laughs at you. Yes, your marches had a huge press following, unfortunately so did the finale of Joe Millionaire and the Bachelorette. In a world with such constant pressure I am thankful to have YOU as my comic relief. I am sure the rest of the working world thanks you also.
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Thanks for the lie, Dan.

by Worker Friday, Feb. 21, 2003 at 3:51 PM

"It's amusing to me that many of you who allie yourselves with the "Workers Party" don't seem to be gainfully employed. "

This from the wing of trust fund frat boys. Nice.

I work, always have. Can I see the statistics on how many members of the Workers Party are unemployed?

Also, most people don't have their daddies there to provide them with jobs, like yo and our president. Right Danny?
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Timothy Jones is smarter than you

by Truth teller, go fuck George Tenet Friday, Feb. 21, 2003 at 6:38 PM

Amazing. Once we offer examples of how we're right and we have justification to this war, you liberals, can't even say anything back to us other than ''we just flood these channels''. Yeah, no duh. Your lies piss me off. And lookie! No more propaganda because I just proved that it is all false, so there! I win, you lose. Once we go into Iraq and liberate the people, I'll come back here and take a shit on your face.
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by BOOOOOORING Friday, Feb. 21, 2003 at 7:00 PM

Hmm, boring, I think Im quiting this conversing with idiots for good until a few weeks when we finally liberate Iraq, with few casualities and mass celebrations in Iraq. Then I'll come back and shit on your face. You'll enjoy it, don't worry. For real, I'll be back in a few weeks when we win.
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Still W-O-R-K-I-N-G

by Dan Friday, Feb. 21, 2003 at 7:19 PM

So much anger from the uninformed..... or jealous that family has stuck by me since I haven't gotten lost over the fringe. I hear they are hiring in N. Korea...always looking to put a good comrade to work.
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by peanut gallery Friday, Feb. 21, 2003 at 8:30 PM

the last three posts are very strange. -very strange indeed.
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Rage and Fear Red Alert!!!

by Peace on Earth Sunday, Feb. 23, 2003 at 12:25 PM

And when he opened the second seal, I heard the second animal say, Come and see.

And there went out another horse, and it was red, and to him who sat on it was given power to take away peace from the earth, that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword.


Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love in my heart, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.
And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love in my heart, I am nothing.
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love in my heart, I gain nothing.
Love is long-suffering and kind; love does not envy; love does not make a vain display of itself, and does not boast,
Does not behave itself unseemly, seeks not its own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil;
Rejoices not over iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails; but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
For we know in part and we prophesy in part.
But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is imperfect shall come to an end.
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Fro now we see through a mirror, darkly; but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
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by janr doe Sunday, Feb. 23, 2003 at 7:30 PM

Great country, isn't it? Everybody loves freedom, but no one wants to fight for it. That' really a blast. Make love, not war. Are you listening, Saddam? You are a bunch of spoiled brats who are convinced you can shape everybody and everything to fit your wants and needs. Go tutor a kid, but that's too damm much like work for the likes of you. Lazy, shiftless, white trash.
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Just another war-loving Hypocrite

by sd Sunday, Feb. 23, 2003 at 7:56 PM

"Everybody loves freedom, but no one wants to fight for it."

So when are YOU enlisting?
Are you sending YOUR son to fight? Are you sending him to fight this war that you believe in? Are you?

You hypocrite!
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by lancer Monday, Feb. 24, 2003 at 9:59 AM

And the big bad naval reservist (officer)
sure has some fighting experience.
In the hot and fierce battle on the
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everyone is getting the joke

by dan Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 1:54 PM

I think everyone has gotten the joke...I thought I had gotten it completely until I stumbled onto this site. Please, those of you who are driving yourselves insane opposing the war (o.k.- anything) take a look at the pictures posted on these and other sites like it. Look at yourselves...look at your banners and posters...look at your message. The jig is up..those of us who matter and can articulate our arguments with out a cardboard missle penis or other silly props know what is truly going on. Fortunately you have driven yourselves to irellavence and the entire world ahs figured it out.
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Thanks for the joke

by Gag Reflex Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 2:03 PM

Thanks for the joke...
__tom__.jpgxxevhz.jpg, image/jpeg, 236x310

I've got your picture, dan.

Gosh. Thanks for the brilliant reparte! We surrender. You, who knows absolutely nothing about the history of US foreign policy or government and corporate tacts, YOU are informed! Gee whiz amazing!

If you really want your fascist wet dream to come true, yer gonna have to do better than that! Dropping by and waving your tiny dick around ain't gonna work!
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by dan Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 2:44 PM

Thanks for making my point!!!!!
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To dan

by Gag Reflex Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 3:36 PM

dan, you are so brilliant. Can I call you Oscar Wilde? Thanks for MISSING my point.
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bullseye hurts

by dan Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 3:56 PM

Your anger gives you away. You know I am right on target and it pains you. Each day your propoganda reveals more nothing of much substance and only misplaced underinformed passion. I think if the people at some of these marches were so concerned about war and the killing of innocent people they wouldn't be marching around with signs reading Smoke weed not Iraqi's. Don't you see that it's just that kind of thing that reduces these marches to the joke that they have become.
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30,000,000 jokes

by Sheepdog Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 4:32 PM

Why is the average american so ignorant?
I see them at the place where I demonstrate
driving by in their SUVs faces contorted with
ugly hostility shouting their invectives and giving us
the one finger salute.
At first we were a small group feeling out there
alone, but then something happened.
I started to see a change occur as punks children students and housewives began to fill our ranks. Small 'stop the war'
signs were replaced with 'IMPEACH BUSH' and '9-11 Bush did
it' signs. The tide changed as our group grew and the
posters became more provocative; honks and thumbs up
became the majority response.
What started out as a group of ten or twelve a month ago
became a count of over seventy last saturday.
And this is not a 'liberal' city.
I'm beginning to believe the ignorance, like a drugged stupor is wearing off. There is fellowship in a just cause.
Last weekend we got a peace sign from a motorcycle cop
and we all cheered.
Keep it up people.

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by Jeff Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 5:13 PM

I believe you have it wrong.
Why is it when more thand a handfull of people come together they all the sudden they are the majority?
I happen to believe, just from the people I talk with that you are so far out in left field you can not even see the middle. I guess it is because actors who get paid millions for a movie so they can live in rehab, agree with you, you must be right.
Go live in hollywood, you know in fanatasyland. The rest of us must live in the real world where some times bad things happen to good people.
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Blood for oil

by Michael Totten Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 5:43 PM

The oil companies want stability. It makes no difference to them who owns the oil wells. It could be Satan or Uncle Sam; their profits will not change. The one thing they don't want is upheaval and war.

For these reasons, the oil companies have been lobbying for peace with Saddam. Everyone who was paying attention to Iraq before September 11 knows this is true.

The radical left is right about one thing. The oil companies have a nefarious agenda in the Middle East. They want to keep all the nasty dictators in place. It is good for business. That, folks, is blood for oil.

The radical left used to be against this sort of thing. I liked the radical left then. I do not like them anymore.

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If antiwar protesters succeed

by Iraqi-US Citizen Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 5:53 PM

I was born and raised in extended family is still in Baghdad.

Since Amr Moussa, the secretary-general of the Arab League, started warning that a US invasion of Iraq would "open the gates of hell," the retort that has been flying around Iraqi exiles' websites is, "Good! We'd like to get out!"

It got me wondering: What if you antiwar protesters and politicians succeed in stopping a US-led war to change the regime in Baghdad? What then will you do?

Will you also demonstrate and demand "peaceful" actions to cure the abysmal human rights violations of the Iraqi people under the rule of Saddam Hussein?

Or, will you simply forget about us Iraqis once you discredit George W. Bush?

Will you demand that the United Nations send human rights inspectors to Iraq? Or are you only interested in weapons of "mass destruction" inspections, not of "mass torture" practices?

Will you also insist that such human rights inspectors be given time to discover Hussein's secret prisons and coercion as you do for the weapons inspectors? Or will you simply accept a "clean bill of health" if you can't find the thousands of buried corpses?

Will you pressure your own countries to host millions more Iraqi refugees (estimated now at 4 million) fleeing Hussein's brutality?Or will you prefer they stay in bondage?

Will you vigorously demand an international tribunal to indict Hussein's regime for crimes against humanity? Or will you simply dismiss him as "another" dictator of a "sovereign" country?

Will you question why Hussein builds lavish palaces while his people are suffering? Or will you simply blame it all on UN sanctions and US "hegemony?"

Will you decry the hypocritical oil and arms commerce of France, Germany, Russia, and China with the butcher of Baghdad? Or are you only against US interests in Iraqi oil?

Will you expose ethnic cleansing of native Iraqi non-Arabs (Kurds, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Turkomens), non-Sunni-Muslims (Shiite), and non-Muslims (Christians, Mandaens, Yezidis)? Or are these not equivalent to the cleansing of Bosnians and Kosovars?

Will you show concern about the brutal silencing of the "Iraqi street"? Or are you only worried about the orchestrated noises of "Arab and Islamist streets" outside Iraq?

Will you hear the cries of Iraqis executed in acid tanks in Baghdad? the Iraqi women raped in front of their husbands and fathers to extract confessions? Or of children tortured in front of their parents? Or of families billed for the bullets used to execute military "deserters" in front of their own homes?

No. I suspect that most of you will simply retire to your cappucino cafes to brainstorm the next hot topic to protest, and that you will simply forget about us Iraqis, once you succeed in discrediting President Bush.

Please, prove me wrong.

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-->Iraqi-US Citizen

by Bush Admirer Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 6:27 PM

Not to worry, Iraqi-US Citizen, these folks can't afford Cappucino cafes.

You must remember, these are the dregs of society, the losers, the leftists, the Sheepdogs and the KPCs. They're here because they can't compete in a Capitalistic society where excellence, hard work, intelligence, and moxie are required for success. They're looking for alternatives to Capitalism (can you say 'free lunch?').

You've put up an excellent post. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences and your wisdom.
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by X Friday, Feb. 28, 2003 at 1:27 AM

all this talk bout liberation would mean something if those who support war actually cared about the Iraqi people. To those iraqi dissidents... do you think bush actually cares about the Iraqi people? his argument about how iraq should be liberated is just a cheap attempt to gain the moral high ground and recruit humanitarians and leftists to his cause.

liberation has NEVER been the central focus of his argument for war. if you've noticed on indymedia now, its no longer about weapons of mass destruction, its all about liberation. bush's supporters have realized that the WMD argument is inadequate and now are basically "cheapshotting" with this liberation talk.

to iraqi dissidents, if you support them simply because they want war thats fine. but just dont think that they actually care about the iraqi people - they don't even care about their own homeless or disadvantaged.
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by Skip Hakanson Monday, Mar. 03, 2003 at 8:44 PM

You REALLY can't be that big an paronoid idiot. You're just trying to pull our legs, right?
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by Skip Hakanson Monday, Mar. 03, 2003 at 9:09 PM

I really applaud all those opposed to war, for standing up for what they believe, however misguided. Wasn't it Lloyd George who proclaimed "Peace in our time", when he opened the door to Hitler's first conquest., by attempted appeasement
. The thing I most wish for, though, is for Hanoi Jane Fonda to go to Bagdad & hold hands with Sadaam when we drop a 10,000 pound bomb on their heads. Why that traitor bitch has never been tried for treason & executed for her complicity in the deaths of American heroes, is beyond me. Jane, if you predecease me, I'll by rounds for the house at the nearest bar all night.
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These arguments are tired

by And you know better Monday, Mar. 03, 2003 at 9:30 PM

Are you serious?
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Jane F.

by x Monday, Mar. 03, 2003 at 9:56 PM

Jane has saggy tits...
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Important information!

by Diogenes Monday, Mar. 03, 2003 at 9:59 PM

Comet, my 5 year old golden retreiver, and I have been playing for a couple
of years now. But until recently I've never been able to get him to mount
my mouth. It finally worked.

We usually start out playing around on the floor with each other. I'll get
him a bit excited, then reach under him and rub his sheath. As soon as my
hand makes contact he stops and stands perfectly still. He knows what is

I'll stroke his cock a few minutes till it starts peeking out. Then I'll
usually play around with him some more. Then back to stroking his cock
again. This time is pops right out of his sheath, red and shiny. If time
is short, I'll have him mount me then. If we have time to play, I'll suck
his cock for a while first. He gets very nervous when I get under him.
Something to do with the master/dog roles, I assume. If I want his cock to
stay hard I have to lay him on his back and then I can suck him for a long

Yesterday I tried something different. I got him hard and on his back.
Then sucked him for a few minutes. Then let him get back up. At this point
he is ready to mount. Instead of letting him mount, I reached under him and
stroked his cock. Grabbing his sheath around his swelling knot, I rubbed it
firmly and vigorously for a minute or so. Needless to say he began humping.
As soon as he was humping, I grabbed his front paws and put them on the
couch, while continuing the cock stroking.

Now he is raised up and humping. I quickly layed down and sucked his cock
into my mouth. With one hand still stroking his knot, I reached around with
the other and hugged him to my face.

He continued humping, fucking my mouth!! Finally, I had figured out how to
get him to do this. Once he was humping furiously I stopped stroking his
knot and just held him to me. He fucked my mouth for about five minutes
before his knot came out of the sheath. By this time his cock is quite
large, a mouthful to say the least. I am having to steadily swallow his
small squirts of precum, yummy!

He is close now, he is fucking his knot against my lips forcefully. I had
thought about this, but was'nt sure I could take it in too. But I had tried
for so long to get him to facefuck me that I was gonna try. I opened my
mouth wide and pushed my face into his underbelly. Oh yeah! His knot got
behind my teeth and his cockhead was past my gagreflex. I tried to keep my
lips covering my teeth as best as I could. I don't want to hurt my buddy.
Now he is humping against my face, I can feel his cock throbbing in my
throat. It seems that his cock can still stroke in and out a bit, because I
have his knot filling my mouth but everytime he humps forward I feel his
cock go a bit deeper in me. Then back out on his backstroke. I can't tell,
and really don't care at this point, if his cock strokes seperate from the
knot or if his knot is pushing into my mouth. I just know that I love
having Comet fucking my mouth.

When he is fucking my ass, I can relax and let his knot slip in and out of
me sometimes. But I quickly realize that I won't be able to do this with my
mouth. He is just too big, my teeth would tear his knot up. So I just keep
my mouth closed on his knot and enjoy the ride!!

And what a ride it is, too!! My eyes are tearing up, my nose is running and
my throat and mouth are full of dog cock. Hard, thick driving dogcock. So
good. Then Comet stopped humping and I felt his cum shooting down my throat.
I would have liked to pull back and get a mouthful, but I did'nt want to
let his knot go. I just stayed with my face in his underbelly and enjoyed
the feeling of his throbbing cock filling me with his watery cum.

I began rubbing his ears and neck. I usually tell him he is a good boy and
stuff after he fucks me, but with a mouthful of cock I could'nt say
anything, so I just petted him. Damn his knot is big, I was thinking as I
lay there with it in my mouth. I had seen it and it has been in my ass more
times than I can count, but it sure seems bigger in my mouth!

When his knot began to shrink a bit, after maybe 4 or 5 minutes, I opened
wide and let him pop it out. I held on to him so he could not pull his cock
out. I sucked him for a minute or two, then let him pull out of me. He
licked at my face a bit then lay down to clean his cock. I pushed him onto
his back and got him in my ass before his cock could slip back in its
sheath. It only took a few strokes on my cock before I was shooting cum all
over his belly with his cock in my ass.

I love my Comet!
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by Ty Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 8:35 AM

I stand by the anti war protestors rights to march and convey their feelings. However, a sign like this one smoke weed not Iraq is ridiculous and reveals what type of people are anti war protestors, shall I say hypocrites and law breakers.
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Excude me while I take a woof off this over-loaded bong

by Sheepdog Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 8:43 AM

koff koff-
Your point?
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Once again A LOSER of american society

by Ty Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 8:53 AM

What an ideal anti war protestor is like. It's pathetic that people like this represent America, the only part of America that they represent are the low class.
No matter how much of a fool you each will make out of yourselves just remember 1 thing. WE ARE GOING TO TAKE SADDAM OUT AND ANY OTHER REGIME THAT THREATENS AMERICA'S SAFETY. IF we don't, you same group of protestors will be blamming Pres. Bush 5-10 years from now when we are attacked and lose the ones that we love.
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by Sheepdog Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 8:59 AM

on to the white house, bring a rope.
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Once again A LOSER of american society

by Ty Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 9:06 AM

What an ideal anti war protestor is like. It's pathetic that people like this represent America, the only part of America that they represent are the low class.
No matter how much of a fool you each will make out of yourselves just remember 1 thing. WE ARE GOING TO TAKE SADDAM OUT AND ANY OTHER REGIME THAT THREATENS AMERICA'S SAFETY. IF we don't, you same group of protestors will be blamming Pres. Bush 5-10 years from now when we are attacked and lose the ones that we love.
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Once again A LOSER of american society

by Ty Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 9:06 AM

What an ideal anti war protestor is like. It's pathetic that people like this represent America, the only part of America that they represent are the low class.
No matter how much of a fool you each will make out of yourselves just remember 1 thing. WE ARE GOING TO TAKE SADDAM OUT AND ANY OTHER REGIME THAT THREATENS AMERICA'S SAFETY. IF we don't, you same group of protestors will be blamming Pres. Bush 5-10 years from now when we are attacked and lose the ones that we love.
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by the way, it is Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 9:11 AM

>on to the white house, bring a rope

That would actually mean something if your opinion did. Given your beliefs, it doesn't. But you have no one to blame but yourself. It's your choice. No one *made* you form an opinion that isn't worth listening to.
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by Wow Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 9:12 AM

echo chamber
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by Jeff Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 6:17 PM

Sheep, do you work or just post your intelligence?

You could be a natual resource.

I have never listened to anyone who know all of the answers before.
It must be a terrible burden.
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It's so nice

by Sheepdog Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 6:35 PM

To be noticed.
Well, Jeff I do work. I just don't sleep.
This is not a burden but I'm happy you are so
interested in me. I'm so popular.
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Section Leader

by SSG Osborn Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 7:12 PM

Protest the ones resposible for us this-Iraq. How short can the attention span and intelligence of the American public be?
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you people are idiots!!

by Dave Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 8:50 PM

Quit trying to get on T.V. and support your country!!
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by kelly dunn Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 1:09 PM

sadam murdered my friend Musafer's brother.
he had to flee iraq on foot with 2 friends carrying 2 m-16's & a bazooka, traveling only at night. if any of you fools realized how oppressed the citizens of iraq are, and the fear they have to live with every day, you would pee in your panties. they will hold the US soldiers that liberate them on their soldiers and cheer!
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by larry Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 11:49 AM

What a bunch of puke causing freak assholes.You
belong in the right place.Maybe someday the rest of
this country will rejoice when the cesspool,aka cailf,
gets hit and slides into the Pacific,taking all you laid
back scum with it.
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praying for tidal waves

by learn to swim Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 12:04 PM

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Uncle Larry

by Sheepdog Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 2:37 PM

Good going.
Want to comment on your perception of geology.
Wrong. Study Tectonics.
Thank you for your support.
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protesting war=dumb

by E Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 11:37 AM

people who protest wars throughout the entire war are a bunch of pussies. they care not about the pride of our nation nor the pride that our troops have fighting for freedom. Support your troops. When they come home after fighting in battles they should not see people protesting what they r doing. they should see people cheering and praising them. All you hippies should just shut the hell up, you mkae yourselves look like ignorant fools throughout the whole nation.
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by Bush Admirer Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 11:40 AM

Way to go, E. Whenever we conservatives don't have an argument, we can always resort to juvenile name-calling.
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by Chris Thursday, Apr. 24, 2003 at 6:38 AM

Yall are all dum some things have to be done for instances blowing up saddem.its not going to start a world war its just going to put an end to Saddem Husseins power.
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by Hypocrite Slayer Friday, Apr. 25, 2003 at 6:05 AM

"Yall are all dum..."

Congratulations on being the world's biggest hypocrite. SURPRISE! You're also a conservative.
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