Local Meeting of Burbank Progressive Activists
Think globally; act locally, they say.
Burbank progressives need to mobilize. Everything we treasure in our republic is on trial. We need to do more than click our outrage. I believe we'll need to do more than call our representatives to advocate particular votes.
A crucial step is to gather together, to share ideas and to plan. Focused, intelligent, effective action is what's needed to oppose the elimination of health care, protect the environment, oppose discrimination, and stop the appointment of plutocrat incompetents. We need to build another kind of wall against xenophobia, misogyny and the greed-fueled rape of the planet.
If you're interested in sharing this effort, let's meet.
Time: Thursday, February 9, 2017 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM PST
Porto's Bakery 3614 West Magnolia Blvd. Burbank, CA 91505