Feb. 4 Eyewitness Report on WA DC Inaugural Protest & Women\\'s March
?Multi-Racial Revolutionary Feminism can organize the growing resistance to win a new world? is the theme of a report back and open conversation about the January 20 U.S. Presidential Inauguration Protest and January 21 Women?s March. Karla Alegria, L.A. FSP Organizer and immigrant rights activist, and Claudia Brick, Radical Women member and LGBTQ pioneer from South L.A., will give highlights from their participation in an anti-capitalist contingent for race liberation and revolutionary feminism. Open mic and discussion of local solidarity actions will follow. Snacks served after the program.
Doors open at 1:30pm. Door donation: requested (no one turned away). Snacks: -6.
The event will be held at Solidarity Hall, 2122 W. Jefferson Blvd., L.A. 90018, Off the 10 f?way/Arlington, bus 38 and 209
Auspices: Freedom Socialist Party. For more information: 323-732-6416, fspla@earthlink.net, www.socialism.com, Facebook.com/fspla