Medicare for ALL March & Rally
Saturday, February 4, 2017 11 AM - 2 PM
Pershing Square 532 S. Olive St. Los Angeles, CA 90013
EVERYBODY SHOULD RSVP for this! Especially, if you got involved in last weekend's Women's March! IT'S TIME TO GET INVOLVED!
As Trump and the GOP race to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act that will leave 20+ million people uninsured, we must rally together to use this time to organize and fight back for healthcare as a RIGHT. Let us organize and rally together to push for Medicare for All through a Single Payer System. This is an opportunity to learn more and in doing so, educate yourself and share that knowledge with others in your local communities so that our voices can be amplified and our actions united when the time calls for ACTION. _______________________________________
What Is Single Payer Healthcare? (
The United States is the only country in the developed world that does not guarantee access to basic health care for residents. Countries that guarantee health care as a human right do so through a ?single-payer? system, which replaces the thousands of for-profit health insurance companies with a public, universal plan.
Does that sound impossible to win in the United States? It already exists ? for seniors! Medicare is a public, universal plan that provides basic health coverage to those age 65 and older. Medicare costs less than private health insurance, provides better financial security, and is preferred by patients (Davis, 2012). Single-payer health care is often referred to as ?Expanded & Improved Medicare for All.?
A single-payer system would save as much as 0 billion now wasted on administrative overhead and monopoly profits. ___________________________________________
People's lives should not be a Partisan Issue, this is a Human Issue. People don't deserve to die or get sicker because they can't afford the healthcare they need.
This is NOT a FEEL GOOD event, don't come here for the pictures or the opportunity to be involved in something for 2 hours, this is an opportunity to organize, mobilize, educate, and FIGHT for the change we need, and that change is Medicare for ALL through a Single Payer System. Real change takes place beyond these marches & rallies.
Meet at Pershing Square, then march over to City Hall/Grand Park to rally and educate one another on Medicare for All via Single Payer!
Speakers/Organizations (TBA)
Kenneth Mejia for Congress