Volunteer with us! MLK Day: Kingdom Day Parade
Monday, January 16 at 7:30 AM - 1:00 PM PST
Kingdom Day Parade-LA 4327 Degnan Blvd Los Angeles, California 90008
We need volunteers to march with us in the Kingdom Day Parade on Monday, January 16! Help us spread the word about PrEP. Plus, we'll be giving away thousands of free condoms. You'll be very popular.
RSVP by email and to tell us your name, age, cell phone number and your T-shirt size --> Please email if you plan to volunteer so we bring enough t-shirts. We'll send you all of the details on email.
On January 10, we will send you more details & the exact meeting location of where we will be in the parade line-up. The parade starts at 11:00 AM and will be on ABC 7. Leave your house early, so you have enough time to park. Parking is insane along the parade route, so just be prepared to spend 20 minutes looking for a spot. Even better, car pool!