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ONE: MIND, BODY, SPIRIT the Mujeres de Maiz 19th Anniversary Live Art Show Festival Music.Performances.Exhibition.Marketplace.Zine Sun. 3/6, 6:00pm-10:00pm. / / Suggested Donation (*Our BIG Fundraiser) *This year Mujeres de Maiz will officially become a non-profit, support our art, education & empowering (Q)WOC wellness!
at Self Help Graphics & Art 1300 E. First Street, Los Angeles, CA 90033 *Parking is limited & available on surrounding streets. *Metro Gold Line - Aliso/Pico Stop
An Annual Intercultural, Interdisciplinary Intergenerational Arts Happening with performance ofrendas (offerings) of music, spoken word, dance, artisans and vendors featuring all womxn and queer/trans people of color since 1997. This event is for, by and about & organized by the labor of WOC & QTWOC spiritual Artivists. Please support!
Never been? Don't Miss it! Join the event that has inspired circles and events across the Southwest! Check out this video: https://vimeo.com/34828355
CELEBRATING & HONORING: -19 Years of Mujeres de Maiz -International Womxn's Day, -Womxn's Herstory Month, -Mexica New Year -the coming of Spring -the release of our 2016 WOC/QWOC ZINE Publication! -the Opening Reception of our Month-long Art Exhibition at the Self Help Gallery (thru 3/26/16)
Join us in creating our liberation and feminism in the flesh... "A world where many worlds fit" - Dicho Zapatista
All Ages w/ very limited seating (mainly standing room only) Event is wheelchair accessible. Please inbox us for accommodation needs. Event is not scent free as we use aromatic medicines/smudges. Alcohol and Drug Free Event for health of our communities. Event intends to be a Brave and Safe Space. Event is all ages/genders/sexualities, please honor the elders and children - No sexism, ageism, homo/transphobia, etc!
Don't forget to join the Womxn's March starting at 12noon that day: https://www.facebook.com/events/1651827148401394/
Tickets available here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mujeres-de-maiz-19th-anniversary-live-art-show-exhibit-festival-one-mind-body-spirit-tickets-21386824568
Vendor Inquiries: http://goo.gl/forms/2ZG8ljyzxG
Volunteer with us: http://goo.gl/forms/L1FImnZMsZ
ww.MujeresDeMaiz.com/calendar.html #MujeresDeMaiz #HolisticArtivism One of the artists: http://carinalomeli.com/home.html