When: Sat., August 23, 2003 1 p.m.
Where: Huntington Beach Pier
Purpose: To distribute information to the beach-going public about progressive presidential peace candidate, Dennis Kucinich
Bring Kucinich for President posters, 'issues signs', Kucinich banners; wear Kucinich t-shirts, hats, buttons; bring flyers, buttons, bumper stickers for public.
Meet at 1 p.m. on H.B. pier. Walk the pier as a group, distributing flyers, answering questions about Dennis Kucinich. Our group will walk along the shore after pier walk. LET?S MAKE THIS AN ENJOYABLE AFTERNOON AT A BEAUTIFUL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BEACH, EDUCATING THE PUBLIC ABOUT OUR NEXT PRESIDENT, DENNIS KUCINICH!
Everyone welcome! Bring your friends!
For more information or suggestions about the event: 714-508-8103