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7pm, Friday, Sept. 19, free public forum, "Eyewitness: North Korea, Inside the Democratic People's Republic of Korea"
PSL office, 135 E. 3rd St., Downtown LA 90013
For more information call 323-810-3380 or email
Hear from Ken Roh, Editor of the web site,, he returned from his trip to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).
Ken Roh will discuss the current situation on the Korean peninsula and the DPRK.
This year marks the 64th anniversary of the start of the Korean War. To this day the United States refuses to sign a Peace Treaty with North Korea. Korea remains divided and tens of thousands of U.S. troops still occupy the southern half of the Peninsula. Find out more U.S. targeting of the DPRK and the struggle for reunification of the Korean peninsula.
Also: Special report on the protest against police brutality on Saturday, Sept. 20 in Victorville, California, where Dante Parker, age 36, died after being racially profiled and tasered multiple times by San Bernardino County sheriffs.