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7pm, Friday, August 22, Public Forum:
"U.S. Imperialism and Israel: Understanding the system?who profits, and how"
For more information email la@pslweb.org or call 323-394-3611
Meet at the PSL-LA office,135 E. 3rd St., 90013, between Main & Los Angeles
Streets in downtown Los Angeles, near Pershing Square.
Join us this Friday, at 7pm, a forum on the U.S. role in Palestine & around the
world. "We?ll be discussing the military, financial and political aid given to Israel as
well as the role of specific corporations, banks and financial institutions. All aspects
of the Israel/ U.S. relationship help explain what imperialism is. Come find out why
it is in the interest of every poor and working person in the U.S. to oppose
imperialism and how this can be explained in a popular and meaningful way.