Donations requested, but nobody turned away for lack of funds.
Every Wednesday night, Feb. 12 - April 9, 7PM
Cuba: an African Odyssey (Mar. 12): Follows Cuba's involvement with African independence struggles throughout the cold war period. From Che Guevara in the Congo to the tens of thousands of Cuban soldiers who fought South Africa's racist apartheid government, Cuban revolutionary internationalism was a staunch ally of African independence. With the recent passing of Nelson Mandela, telling this story is more important than ever.
The Greening of Cuba (Mar. 19): This documentary examines how Cuba changed its entire agricultural system to use organic and sustainable methods; now the only large-scale renewable agricultural system on the planet. Following the imposition of capitalism on Eastern Europe in the early 90s, Cuba lost one of its primary trading partners and allies. Lacking vital imports of fertilizers and petroleum, the Cuban people waged a titanic and successful campaign to revolutionize agriculture within their country. In this film, those people?farmers, gardeners, researchers, and others?tell the story of that campaign in their own words.
Accelerated Underdevelopment (Mar. 26): Santiago Alvarez was one of Cuba's most innovative film directors. Revolutionary in his politics and in his style of movie making, Alvarez used his distinctive style to present an unabashedly radical view of the world. This documentary follows his life and work, shot in a style reminiscent of Alvarez's own films. Filmmaker Travis Wilkerson will be in attendance to introduce the film, and for Q & A afterwards.
De Cierta Manera - One Way or Another (April 2): A 1974 Cuban film that depicts life in poor neighborhoods in Cuba shortly after the revolution. Mixing documentary footage with a fictionalized story of a Cuban couple, De Cierta Manera shows both the gains of the revolution and the difficulties that still exist. Sexism, racism, and chauvinism are shown to still exist after the revolution and their destruction is portrayed as one of the most important tasks for Cuba.
In the Wrong Body (April 9): This documentary tells the story of Mavi Susel, the first person in Cuba to undergo gender reassignment surgery. In addition to following her, the film also examines the interrelation of progressive ideals of the revolution, the remains of traditional patriarchal culture in Cuba, and Cuba's struggle to eradicate it.