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Mensaje Biling?e/Bilingual Message
Partido Socialismo y Liberaci?n Presenta:
Honduras, Cuarto Aniversario del Golpe ?La Lucha Contin?a!
Vienes 28 de junio 7:30pm 135 E. 3rd St. Los Angeles, CA 90013 (Sobre 3er entre Main y Los Angeles St.)
El 28 de junio marca el cuarto aniversario del golpe derechista que derroc? al leg?timo gobierno de Manuel Zelaya, el presidente electo de Honduras. El golpe, planificado y consumado por la los sectores m?s recalcitrantes de la sociedad hondure?a con el apoyo del gobierno estadounidense, revirti? y trunc? un proceso en el que se reflejaban las aspiraciones de millones de personas que hab?an dicho no a las pol?ticas neoliberales que han sido impuestas en varios pa?ses del resto de Latinoam?rica.
El golpe, aparte de sabotear uno de los eslabones del proceso de cambio que se vive en gran parte del continente, desat? una cruel ola de represi?n en contra del movimiento popular, sindical y la comunidad LGBT. Las ejecuciones sistem?ticas de activistas transg?nero, de l?deres sindicales, estudiantiles y campesinos se convirti? en algo cotidiano, algo que a?n prevalece y que los noticieros junto a los voceros de la Casa Blanca ocultan y callan.
Acomp??anos en este important?simo evento para expresar nuestra solidaridad con nuestras hermanas y hermanos hondure?os y para que te enteres de los ?ltimos acontecimientos de una lucha que a?n contin?a y que necesita tu apoyo.
Ponentes: Profesora Suyapa Portillo y Aaron Montenegro
Evento patrocinado por el Partido Socialismo y Liberaci?n, Comit? Solidario Graciela Garcia y ANSWERLA.
Para m?s informaci?n: (323)810-3380 o la@pslweb.org
The Spanish Department of the Party for Socialism and Liberation Presents:
Honduras, Fourth Anniversary of the Coup, the Struggle Goes On!
Friday, June 28th 7:30pm 135 E. 3rd Street Downtown Los Angeles, CA 90013 (On Third, between Main and Los Angeles Street)
NOTE: This event will be conducted entirely in Spanish, English interpretation available.
June 28th marks the fourth anniversary of the right-wing coup that overthrew the legitimate government of Manuel Zelaya, the elected President of Honduras. The coup, which was planned and executed by the most reactionary sectors of the Honduran society and which had the blessing of the U.S. government, defeated a social process for change backed by millions of people.
The coup also unleashed a brutal wave of political repression, systematically targeting leaders and supporters of the people's movement. Dozens of union members, LGBT community members, student leaders, campesinos and many others, have been tortured, executed and have disappeared. This brutal repression became a daily occurrence that still goes on today. This is something that the U.S. government and the media will not talk about.
Join us for this very important event to show our solidarity and support with our sisters and brothers in Honduras. Also, find out the latest updates about the resistance movement and how you can get involved.
Special guests: Professor Suaypa Portillo and Aaron Montenegro
Event sponsored by the Party for Socialism and Liberation, Comit? Solidario Graciela Garcia and ANSWERLA.
For More information: (323)810-3380 or la@pslweb.org