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By Any Means Necessary: Malcolm X and the Struggle for Black Liberation
Thursday 28 February 2013 7pm F-Square Printing 519 S. Spring St. L.A. 90013
Prior to Malcolm X’s assassination almost 50 years ago and since, his evolving politics and theories during his life have inspired millions worldwide. A significant portion of African Americans have looked to the slain leader’s ideas as a template to build radical movements based upon the practices of independent self-activity and politics.
Then, Malcolm X’s transition from the conservative orthodoxy of the Nation of Islam to positioning himself closer to working-class theories during his latter years, provided him a binary to effectively challenge white supremacy, imperialism and capitalism.
Now, years later, Malcolm’s life and words are still relevant as Blacks and progressives from the larger whole of the American working class mount a fight-back against neoliberal economic policies, police terror, the new Jim Crow and a myriad of problems derived from capitalism.
Come discuss the life and lessons of one of the 20th century’s most profound revolutionaries and how his ideas can be effectively applied to today’s struggles.
For more information, call (213) 568-7150
sponsored by the Los Angeles Branch of the International Socialist Organization . . .