Patient and faithful Friday film lovers, your trust is well placed. We have quite a line-up of films coming your way. Our next presentation (this Friday, August 1st) is Michael Moore's 1997 film, "The Big One". Michael Moore armed only with a camera and a sharp sense of humor is searching America's heartland for an executive who will respond to the question: If Fortune 500 companies are posting record-setting profits, why do they continue laying off thousands of workers?
Then is the big event featuring "Big Roy", the spitit of the Arroyo, and a film about the movement that inspited him, "Ah! The Hopeful Pageantry of Bread and Puppet Theater"
After that we have lined up another really special presentation, "We Interruupt This Empire . . . " > What happens when a trigger-happy cowboy with a pocket full of loot aims > his guns on an oil-rich, people-poor nation? > > The San Francisco Video Activists' Network presents the story you won't > see on Fox News: an eye-popping, jaw-dropping look at the Bay Area's > radical resistance to an illegal war. Guest speakers and the filmmakers > will attend the screenings for a question and answer session after the
> show. > > "We Interrupt This Empire..." is a collaborative work by many of the Bay > Area's independent video activists which documents the direct actions that > shut down the financial district of San Francisco in the weeks following > the United States' invasion of Iraq. With the audio backdrop including the > live broadcasts of Enemy Combatant Radio from the SF Independent Media
> Center to SFPD's tactical communications that were picked up by police
> scanners, the documentary takes a look at the diverse show of resistance > from the streets of San Francisco as well as providing a critique of the > corporate media coverage of the war and exploring such issues as the > Military Industrial Complex, attack on civil liberties, and the United
> States' current imperialist drive.
Don't forget to bring a snack (or a feast) to share. We'll be there at 8
and start the movie around 8:30