VIGILIA: TOD@S POR HONDURAS International Day of Action for Honduras June 28, 2012
When: Thursday, June 28, 2012 Time: 6pm Where: Honduran Consulate
3550 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90010
The coup d'?tat of June 2009 unleashed an unprecedented wave of violence over the Honduran people. Since June 2009 there have been 77 murders of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transvestite and Intersex people in the major cities; over 50 murders of campesino (farmworkers); 23 journalists. On May 11, 2012, the U.S. led Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) shot and killed 4 Miskitu indigenous community members, 2 of the women shot were pregnant. The US has not offered any explanation, apology nor reparation for the infringement of soverign territory and for the blood spilled. The current illegitimate Honduran government is so desperate for US support it has allowed and prepares bloodshed on their citizens. On the 3rd anniversary of the coup we demand that the Honduran government investigate and prosecute the heinous human rights abuses. We also demand that the US withdraw aid and support to the Honduran national Police, Military and special forces in Honduras! ?Alto al Fuego!
Coalici?n Latinoamericana Pro Derechos Humanos en Am?rica Latina: Answer LA, Comit? Solidario Graciela Garcia, Comit?s de Base del FMLN; ??
For more information: or (323) 521-9509