The latest video showing the killer of Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, with no bruises or blood on his face while on video during his initial interrogation by police lays bare claims made by Zimmerman and his lawyer that Trayvon broke his nose and gashed his head, bloodying his face.
Yet, as of the writing of this email, Zimmerman still remains free and the police are still allowed to be complicit in the murder of Trayvon!
What this case exposes is the institutional nature of racism in the U.S., whereby police are given a blank check to facilitate, direct and enforce racist repression.
Come to a forum where we will discuss how this latest incident of terror against Black youth is impacting our movement and what immediate and long term demands need to be fought for, like the immediate arrest of Zimmerman and anyone complicit in the murder, as well as peoples control over the police.
Also, find out about the next national protest on April 10th! Come to a forum where we will discuss how this latest incident of terror against Black youth is impacting our movement and what immediate and long term demands need to be fought for, like the immediate arrest of Zimmerman and anyone complicit in the murder, as well as peoples control over the police.