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Justice for Iraq: Candlelight Vigil & Rally on the 9th Anniversary of the Invasion Date: March 20, 2012 Time: 5-8pm Location: Westwood Federal Building 11000 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, California Contact: or 213-251-1025
On March 20, 2003, the first U.S. forces entered Iraq in what was an unprokoved war of aggression against a people who committed no crime, nor posed any threat.
In a matter of 9 years, the U.S. invasion resulted in a stunning 1.3 million killed, 4 million maimed and wounded, 4.5 million orphaned children, and 5 million made homeless and refugees. The war was truely one the great atrocity of the decade.
As a result of widespread, active and steadfast opposition to the foreign occupation, the Iraqi people successfully forced out the U.S. occupation forces.
Despite the official "end" of the war, the Iraqi people still live with U.S. diplomats, military guards and mercinaries on their soil; The country is still completely destroyed as a result of the 9-year bombardment; Lack of electricity, jobs, clean water, food and safety plague the country, receiving no reparations whatsoever from the U.S. government, responsible for the mass destruction; Birth defects are occouring at a staggaring rate due to the chemical fallout from U.S. weapons; An entire generation of people with the trauma of a brutal war that left 1 in 3 Iraqis killed, wounded or displaced; And those who led the war effort are on million-dollar book tours.
On the anniversary of the U.S. invasion, join us fore a candlelight vigil to commemorate the more than a million innocent people killed, and a rally to demand justice for the people of Iraq.
Justice for Iraq! Reparations Now! Jail the War Criminals!