Time 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Green Party booth at Sunset Junction Street Festival?
Various Green Party local groups --Hollywood/Silverlake, LA, Glendale, LGBT, and SFV will be proudly boothing together at the 23rd Annual Sunset Junction Street Festival on August 23-24, 2003. This is a great way to show solidarity with our fellow Greens as well as share our efforts and raise our visibility.
We need MANY GREEN volunteers to help as this event is 2 LONG DAYS and NIGHTS - email info@hsgreens.org to SIGN-UP for a shift.
www.sunsetjunction.org The Sunset Junction Neighborhood Alliance is a 501C3 non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life in the community of Silver Lake, Echo Park, and Los Feliz and the Greater Los Angeles area. Understanding and acceptance of cultural diversity, life styles, and gender are the motivation for our efforts.