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?Tell me, what else should I have done? Doesn?t everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?? ? Mary Oliver
Be the Cause presents the 10th Annual Walk for Hope.
- 2 miles - Hand-made Quotes - Inspiring Activities - Home-made Lunch - Outdoor Concert
People always ask us what the purpose of the event is and despite it having been in existence for 10 years now, we still don?t have a good answer. The goal isn?t to raise funds, in fact there is no registration fee. At best, it is our attempt to pour a little love back into our community. The quotes along the route, the activities, the music, even the lunch, are all prepared by volunteers to remind us of what is most important in life. The Walk for Hope is our gift to you.
Date: Saturday October 15 Time: Starts at 10:00am (Walk will be followed by an outdoor concert) Location: El Dorado Park, 7701 East Spring Street, Long Beach, CA Map: http://is.gd/cGoeU Parking: charged by El Dorado Park. Distance: 2 miles of pure goodness
Please register at: www.bethecause.org so we know numbers!!