dick_cheney_war_corporations.jpg, image/jpeg, 153x160
War criminal Dick Cheney will be in Orange County promoting his new book, In My Time. Let's be there too to call out the lies and tell the truth. CODEPINK OC, OC Peace Coalition and OC Military Families Speak Out will all be there.
If you want to go inside the Nixon Library for the lecture and book signing, ticket information can be found here: http://events.nixonfoundation.org/2011/07/17/meet-v-p-dick-cheney/
This is the ONLY... West Coast date for this war criminal's book tour.
You can also join CODEPINK's action to "Move Cheney's Book to the Crime Section of Bookstores!"
War criminal Dick Cheney's new book, In My Time, is scheduled to hit the shelves of bookstores across the country on August 30th!
We think Cheney's book belongs in the Crime section and we have mobilized activists to move it there. Participants who move the books in their local bookstores, then can send us their pics to enter our photo contest and win a deck of war criminal playing cards. Send pictures to cheneycontest@codepink.org.
Be sure to leave our "Doin' Time" bookmark inside a few copies of the book at your bookstore! Just download, a color bookmark or a black/white bookmark, print, cut and go!
This web address has all of the information: http://codepinkalert.org/article.php?id=5928
18001 Yorba Linda Blvd. in Yorba Linda 92886
Location: Nixon Library 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd. in Yorba Linda 92886 Los Angeles, CA 90291
Kristen kristen@codepink.org
(Nearby Parking)