> > 2. Welcoming all to another gathering at the top of the West Bluff.
> > This Sunday, 13th at 3:00pm.
> Bring folding chairs, water, something for the alter if you want and,
> of course, come with a peaceful and prayerful attitude.
> Directions from 405: Take the 90-Marina Freeway west to Lincoln Blvd.
> Go left (south) on Lincoln (HWY 1) over Ballona Creek channel, through
> Ballona wetlands (Playa Vista on left). The West Bluff will be ahead on
> the right. Go up the hill past Loyola Marymount University (on the left).
> Turn right on 83rd St go 2 blocks to stop sign at Rayford, turn right. Go
> left following the fence to the top of the hill.
> Hope to see you all then,
> In Peace,
> Linda
------------------------------------------- > > The West Bluff above Ballona is recalled in oral history tales > > as home to a rich and relatively numerous "village" of the people > > now known as Gabrieleno/Tongva, the indigenous people of the > > Los Angeles Basin. They were generous, but contentious, according > > to one account, mostly minding their own business of prayers, > > ceremonial dancing, and living on the bluffs overlooking paradise. > > Now Catellus Corp. is proposing to build a huge housing tract on > > this last very rare upland habitat, attached to the wonderful > > Ballona Wetlands and needed to keep it healthy. In addition, > > the West Bluffs is a beautiful flower field, foraging field for > > raptors and resting place for tired eyes of urban dwellers. > > Instead of a housing tract, it should be a memorial field for > > our Native Americans, the Gabrieleno/Tongva, and the ancestors > > disturbed should be reburied and left in their cemetery. > > If you can, please think of attending the vigils. /Doug > > --------------------------------------------------------