LACBC's 7th St. Bike Lane Campaign Needs You!
Our 2 year long work to bring a much needed bike lane to the streets of MacArthur Park isn't only about getting a bike lane and then going home to rest on our laurels. Rather, the 7th St. campaign is a multi-faceted effort to gather data and build community support for long-term change in the neighborhood.
LACBC is looking for bilingual (Spanish and Korean) volunteers to help survey businesses along the corridor about their perceptions of why and how many customers bicycle to their stores.
Training orientation is Friday, July 1st, at 5pm at the LACBC Office: 634 S. Spring St. Ste#821, Los Angeles, CA 90014. We're off the corner of 7th/Spring, feel free to bring your bicycle upstairs or take metro (parking is limited).
Call the office for more info: 213-629-2142 or email 7th St. research coordinator, Marcelino Pe?a at: