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Fellow Anarchists!
Los Angeles has a rich anarchist history, but sadly most of that history has been forgotten or lost in the pages of time. Due to a disconnect of today's anarchists with their past, combined with never ending redevelopment of the city's landscape, anarchists in the city constantly walk past important landmarks for our community, unaware of their existence.
But all is not lost. The Los Angeles Anarchist Black Cross will be hosting the Black Rose Society Anarchist Historical Tour. The walking tour will take us around the Plaza and into Chinatown where will rediscover our movement's history. We will visit the sites of anarchist riots and where several of our martyrs have fallen. We visit locations where Magonista and IWW offices once stood. We will follow in the paths where some of the greatest and most noble anarchists once traveled.
With 13 stops and 20 specific sites, we will reconnect with our roots and through the past we will begin to build a new anarchist movement.
So please, join us and learn a little about our city's great anarchist history.
When, Where and How Much?
We will gather on June 19th at 11:00 am on the south side of Los Angeles Plaza (near the Pico House and Sanchez Street.) The tour will take approximately 1 - 1 1/2 hours. We are asking for a donation, but no one will be turned away.
We are also looking for individuals interested in helping out with the event. This will involve publicly reading a statement about one or more of the locations we visit. Please contact us at: la@abcf.net