Union del Barrio invites you to join us in a contingent to the SCIC MAY DAY march from South Central. Because of the continued attacks against our communities by both democrats and republicans, we must unite with our communities in demanding full legalization NOW, a moratorium against deportations and ICE raids, Workers rights to organize and no more "guestworker/bracero" programs.
Our delegation will meet at the Centro Cultural Francisco Villa, 2100 Maple Ave, Los Angeles CA 90011 at 8:00 a.m. and will start with a short rally at 9am. We will march and join the Southern California Immigration Coalition on Main and 9th Street.
Union del Barrio is a part of the Southern California Immigration Coalition and will be present with contingents in both South LA and downtown. We are all wearing our red shirts and uniting the student/youth, labor/teacher and community sectors on the historic International Labor Day with the Immigration movement and will be marching together. QUE VIVAN LOS TRABAJADORES! QUE VIVA LA RAZA! ALTO A LAS REDADAS! ALTO A LAS DEPORATCIONES! DEPORTEN A LA MIGRA!
Sponsored by
Union Del Barrio Southern California Immigration Coalition South Central Neighborhood Council South Central Farmers Association of Raza Educators Mecha Santee Ya Basta Youth Coalition Campesinos Sur Centro Communities for a Better Environment and the South Central Community!
Facebook Event RSVP: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=168127576577772