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California is in the midst of the most severe prison and budget crises of our lifetimes. Prisoners endure conditions in a system that is fast deteriorating ? even as our state budget buckles under a billion deficit while the US Supreme Court prepares to weigh in on the historic Plata/Coleman lawsuit.
We have a chance to set a new course for California ? saving the state billions of dollars, and saving essential social services we all rely on. Come meet with us to get an up-to-date briefing from the Plata/Coleman legal team about various scenarios we can expect out of the Supreme Court and the Brown administration; and to be a part of launching CURB's Budget for Humanity campaign: a plan to reverse years of misguided budget and social policies. We've had enough years of budgets written for tough-on-crime politicians and the most right-wing elements of the state. Come find out what CURB is doing to build a budget for all of us.
CURB is a broad based alliance of over 40 organizations seeking to CURB prison spending by reducing the number of people in prison and the number of prisons in the state. We are working to stop prison construction, reduce the number of people in prison, and reinvest our money in communities so we get the education, health care, & jobs that we need.
CURB: http://curbprisonspending.org Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=136292913106379