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PSL Marxism Class Series in 2011: The Cuban Revolution, A History of Struggle & Socialism
Every Tuesday, 7:00 pm Jan. 11 through Feb. 1 137 N. Virgil Ave., #203, Los Angeles 90004 (5 min. from Vermont & Beverly Metro stop)
Join the Party for Socialism and Liberation for a Marxism Class Series on the Cuban Revolution. There will be guided study, presentations, political discussion, cultural presentations and opportunities for action. Get involved in the struggle today! Here is a list of upcoming classes.
* Tuesday, Jan. 11, 7pm: Cuba from colonialism to socialist revolution * Tuesday, Jan. 18, 7pm: A better world is possible - 'Socialism or death!' * Tuesday, Jan. 25, 7pm: The triumphs and challenges of socialist construction * Tuesday, Feb. 1, 7pm: Cuba's internationalism from Latin America to Africa
Click here to register for the PSL Classes on the Cuban Revolution. Read below for more info on each class topic.
Jan. 11: Cuba from colonialism to socialist revolution: The first class will cover the history of Cuba. From the slave trade to Jose Marti and the war for independence, special attention will be given to the formation of workers' organizations in the 1920s and 30s, the Moncada assault and the 1956-59 revolutionary war.
Jan. 18: A better world is possible - 'Socialism or death': The second class will go over the early years of the socialist revolution, including the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the beginning of the U.S. blockade and the founding of the Communist Party of Cuba.
Jan. 25: The triumphs and challenges of socialist construction: The third class will cover the many social and economic gains for workers and oppressed people since Cuba's revolutionary triumph. It will also discuss the challenges of building socialism while in the cross hairs of U.S. imperialism.
Feb. 1: Cuba's internationalism from Latin America to Africa: The final class will cover Cuba's long history of revolutionary internationalism, including campaigns in Latin America, the Middle East and aiding the defeat of colonialism and apartheid in southern Africa.
Click here to register for the PSL Classes on the Cuban Revolution.
For more info call 323-810-3380 or e-mail la@pslweb.org