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POLITICAL PERFORMANCE: ACTIVISTS CREATE SOCIAL JUSTICE THEME Passion and fortitude fuel ?Drop?: A collaborative performance that connects academy and the community
Pushing the boundaries of academic success, audience involvement, and artistic vision, CSUN Performance Ensemble have created Drop an evening of live performance art, music, experimental sounds, culinary art, and fine art in Downtown Los Angeles. The celebrations will be held at the X Repertory Theater Company, 1581 Industrial Street Los Angeles, CA, 90021, on December 4th, 2010 from 7pm-midnight. Ticket prices per adult, per student.
?This event is a great opportunity to explore how performance operates as a way of being and knowing and how it creates social activism in our world,? said Dr. Jeanine Minge, director of the CSUN Performance Ensemble, housed in the Department of Communication Studies at California State University, Northridge. ?It cultivates community and expresses our genuine passion, fortitude, and activist sensibilities.?
Audiences will enjoy culinary design by members of Artisan L.A. Experience, music by Los Angeles-based band The Cooling Time, the sounds of Brendan Carn and DJ Professor Ben. A Silent Art Auction with fine art works by celebrated Los Angeles artists will also be held. Raised funds will assist the CSUN Performance Ensemble in creating student scholarships and to sponsor future student performance productions and special programs.
Drop is a preview of CSUN Performance Ensemble?s original production The Towne of Bathe being held April 21-24th, 2011. Drop entices the audience with a mesmerizing array of sound composition, multi-mediated imagery, critical text, and movement. Drop, co-directed by Jeanine Minge and Nicole Embree, is a collaborative performance with composer Michael Deragon and mutli-media installation artist Emily Auble.
The CSUN Performance Ensemble is an extracurricular program at California State University, Northridge dedicated to cultivating social justice. Found at website www.csun.edu/coms, the ensemble stages original and innovative productions, original scripts, poetry, prose fiction and nonfiction, and oral histories for campus and community audiences.