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Join the L.A. Greens at our annual Holiday Potluck (Vegetarian) Party on Wed, Dec. 15, 7pm at the Peace Center, 8124 W. Third St., Los Angeles
Bring a vegetarian item if you can. FREE and open to the public!
Attendees are encouraged to bring a Vegetarian dish to share and your own reusable plate/silverware if possible to minimize clean-up. No plastic, please.
The party, like our monthly meetings, will be held at the Peace Center, 8124 W. Third St. (just west of Crescent Heights), Los Angeles. Parking is available behind the building.
Bring a friend or two to introduce them to the Green Party. No business this night-- just food, socializing and merriment!
Happy Holidays from the LA Greens! http://losangelesgreens.org/