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Writing Writing Writing
a late afternoon reading with:
Will Alexander Dmitry Golynko Vanessa Place Matvei Yankelevich
Sunday, November 21, 2010 at 5:30pm
at Outpost for Contemporary Art 1268 N. Ave 50 Los Angeles, 90042
Doors open at 5:00pm, Reading starts at 5:30pm
Will Alexander is a poet, novelist, essayist, playwright, and visual artist. His latest book of poems, The Sri Lanken Loxodrome, was published by New Directions in 2009.
Dmitry Golynko was born in 1969 in Leningrad, USSR. He was guest professor for two years at Cheongju University (Slavic Department) in South Korea in 2004-5, and is currently Resident Researcher at Russian Institute of Arts History. He writes numerous essays on topics from the fields of contemporary art and literature, and is the author of many poetry collections, including Directory (2001), Concrete Doves (2003), and the English-language compilation of his poetic work to date, As It Turned Out (2008). Golynko has been nominated for the renowned Andrei-Bely-Award. He lives in St Petersburg.
Vanessa Place is a writer, lawyer, and co-director of Les Figues Press. Her most recent work is available in French by ?ditions ??e, as Expos? des Faits and in English by Blanc Press, as Statement of Facts.
Matvei Yankelevich?s books and chapbooks include Boris by the Sea (Octopus Books), The Present Work (Palm Press), and The Nature Poetry of Matvei Yankelevich (Knock-Off). His writing has appeared in Action Yes!, Boston Review, Big Bell, Damn the Caesars,Fence, Open City, Tantalum, Typo, Wobbling Roof, Zen Monster, and others. His translations from Russian crop up in Calque, Circumference, Harpers, New American Writing, Poetry, the New Yorker and in some anthologies. At Ugly Duckling Presse, he designs and/or edits many and various books and co-edits the periodical 6?6.