Tues., Nov. 2, 2010 7:00-10 PM *Press is invited between 8-10pm; please try to stay throughout the evening so we'll have a good showing when the press arrives!
Earth, Wind and Flour Restaurant 2222 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, Ca. 90403
Linda Piera-Avila has reserved the back room. Enter the restaurant and walk straight ahead, through the sports bar, to the back room. It has a TV for Calif Election Returns and wireless for a live stream Green U.S. returns. She will request that they make their vegan ravioli special available that night. They have great salads, pastas and sandwiches as well as pizzas. Please consider making a food purchase; pay Linda.
There is a valet parking charge at the restaurant, or street parking on Wilshire Blvd. Please do not park on residential streets as it is restricted.
The bus lines that serve Wilshire Blvd. are the Santa Monica Big Blue Bus #2 and Metro Rapid #720.
Candidates attending so far: Linda Piera-Avila, Lisa Green, Cynthia Santiago, and Kit Crittenden. (others pending rsvps)
PLZ RSVP to Kendra: earthworks_works [at] yahoo.com Contact person for Press: Derek Iversen at 323-481-8984 Restaurant # 310-829-7829 http://www.earthwindandflour.com http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=2222+Wilshire+Boulevard,+Santa+Monica,+CA&sll=34.058987,-118.277148&sspn=0.008426,0.013711&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=2222+Wilshire+Blvd,+Santa+Monica,+Los+Angeles,+California+90404&ll=34.03463,-118.480661&spn=0.007984,0.013711&z=16&iwloc=r0 put up by http://twitter.com/#!/davidaquinley and http://www.facebook.com/david.quinley