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Two Protests in Los Angeles demanding: "Seize BP Assets Now!"
1.) SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 12 NOON: BP Day of Action Demo in LA (Palisades Park, Santa Monica) near the Santa Monica Pier, Ocean & Colorado Aves., in Santa Monica.
2.) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 4:30PM in Long Beach (Aquarium of the Pacific, LB) a demo in front of the Aquarium. The Aquarium just opened a "BP Sea Otter Habitat" exhibit, funded by BP.
For more information email and sign the petition at: info@SeizeBP.org or call us at 213-251-1025 or online at http://www.seizebp.org
Demands: The government of the United States must seize BP and freeze its assets, and place those funds in trust to begin providing immediate relief to the working people throughout the Gulf states whose jobs, communities, homes and businesses are being harmed or destroyed by the criminally negligent actions of the CEO, Board of Directors and senior management of BP.
BP executives say at Congressional hearings, they?ll pay only ?legitimate? damage claims for the oil disaster they caused, meanwhile people across the United States are coming out in the
streets to voice their protest and are signing the national petition to Seize BP's Assets Now!
Quotes: ?We?re calling for a government seizure of BP?s assets to pay for all the environmental damage, personal losses and untold consequences of their oil spill,? declared Ian Thompson, a Seize BP organizer in Los Angeles.
?Working people on the Gulf Coast are now struggling to survive, while BP brings in million in profit each day,? said Sarah Sloan, spokesperson of Seize BP. ?Unless we build a movement around the demand to seize BP?s assets, they will pay only a fraction of what they owe. Justice demands that BP?s assets be seized so that those who were negatively impacted by the oil spill are fairly compensated.?