Dear Community Supporters:
The fight for dignity and justice continues into the summer months as Korean and Latino wrokers struggle to organize into the Immigrant Workers Union. We invite you to take a vacation action to demonstrate the need for this union.
Besides receiving poverty wages, the full-time workers are not given time off to spend with their families. The workers at Assi Supermarket maintain a 40 to 60 hour work week, year-round, for which the workers are given only 2 days of vacation in a year. A union would give workers the opportunity to negotiate for not only vacation time, but also fair wages, health benefits, and job security.
To date, following an early March union election and a resulting tie, many workers reported that they have suffered harassment and discrimination for their pro-union activities. Management has even gone as far as to fire a pro-union worker. In response, the workers have filed Unfair Labor Practice charges with the National labor Relations Board. They will also be taking to the streets to protest the unfair treatment by the Assi management.
Come support and help send a strong messgae that only two days of vacation in a year will not be tolerated!
Prioritize Families & Increase Worker Vacation Time!