Hello, Greens and Friends of Greens!
You are invited to join us at the Southern California kickoff for Green Party gubernatorial candidate Laura Wells.
Laura is running an active statewide campaign with two key goals: To bring into the public discourse policy options that neither "Titanic party" candidate will touch, while they (most likely Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown) debate within a range of positions that can't and won't solve our state's crises
To continue building the Green Party into a viable major party, anticipating and helping bring about the day when there will be a major shift in our state's and our country's political landscape.
Laura says, "We want great schools, health care, environment, and job opportunities. There is every reason California, wealthy in both natural and human resources, can be a golden state once again."
Laura is endorsed by hundreds of Green leaders and voters. More than 50 elected Greens support Laura, including a majority of the Los Angeles County Council. See the list: http://www.LauraWells.org
Please join us in a campaign that will make a difference in November 2010 and beyond.
Laura Wells for Governor 2010 http://www.LauraWells.org info@laurawells.org * (510) 225-4005