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Please post calender, both in print and on line and announce on air. thanks, Joe ---- What's the Alternative to Criminal Capitalism? Socialism Conference & Workshops in LA Sat. May 8, 11am-5pm Los Angeles City College 855 N. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles Chemistry Building, Room 3 (Vermont & Willow Brook Ave) Metro Stop: Vermont/Santa Monica * Doors open at 10am
We need a system that puts people's needs over corporate profits. Only an organized, fight back movement can make this a reality.
Join students, workers, activists and others on Saturday, May 8 in Los Angeles for a Socialism Conference hosted by the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Find out how to be part of the struggle for a better world. There will be speakers, workshops, food and discussion.
Socialism Conference Topics Include
* What is socialism? Is it possible in the U.S.? * Students & teachers rise up--education is a right! * Stop police brutality and racist oppression. Justice for Oscar Grant! * Health care for all, not for profit * Lessons in organizing: Fighting layoffs, evictions, foreclosures, education cuts and union busting * Building a mass movement to stop imperialist war, racism, sexism and homophobia * Why we need a revolutionary party now more than ever * Taking on the capitalist politicians: PSL candidates for Governor, Secretary of State & Long Beach Mayor * Win full rights for all immigrants * Socialism in Cuba and Latin American revolution
You can also register by phone: 323-810-3380 or email: la@socialismandliberation.org
donation ( for students, solidarity). No one turned away for lack of funds. Childcare and lunch provided. Spanish translation available. _______________________________________________________ Conferencia de Socialismo Oradores, Talleres y Discusiones
* Luchando Contra la Agenda Anti-Obrera del Capitalismo * Por qué es posible el socialismo en los EE.UU. * Luchar para los derechos del inmigrante * Y como lograr el socialismo forjando un partido revolucionario trabajador * ¡Salud, trabajo, vivienda sí, guerra no!
Habrá traducción al Español.