Please join our demonstration against the Nazi party. The National Socialist Party (Nazi organization) will be having their annual national meeting at the Los Angeles City hall Saturday, April 17th 2010. This event is diseased, disgusting and needs to be removed. These people believe in ethnic cleansing of the human race only leaving the whites to survive. This is not just a threat to the beliefs us Americans hold dear, but a warning of things to come if these people think they are entitled to their opinions of genocide, slavery, mass murder, and an all white world. Will you stand united against hate and be my brothers and sisters?. In the name of all who died in the civil rights movement, the holocaust, and any other systematic extinction please demonstrate. Please Join us in preserving our right to protest. We cannot let this disgusting event take place. We will not stand still and let neo nazis slap us in the face in OUR city of angels. Bring signs banners, noisemakers and a spirit of human unity. Bring friends and take a stand. Black Bloc contingent is requested.