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The National Socialist Movement, better known as the Nazis, has announced a rally and march in Riverside, California.
They are calling for a county-wide protest of day labor sites to try to appeal to those who are angry about the immigration situation in this country and to divide the native-born from our immigrant brothers and sisters.
We realize that there is a diversity of opinion when it comes to the topic of immigration, and we respect different viewpoints and value dialogue.
However, we will NOT allow the Nazis to scapegoat our immigrant brothers and sisters, regardless of whether or not they have papers, in an attempt to appeal to the poor, unemployed, and uneducated as they seek to build their nation of "Only those of pure White blood."*
That's why we, people from all different races, religions, and political ideologies, old and young, gay and straight, documented and undocumented, join together to denounce this group and declare our UNITY AGAINST RACISM.
Only together we can build a world that is inclusive of all of us and oppose those who would exclude others just because of their race, religion, or sexual orientation.
Please plan on standing with us this Saturday, September 26 at 10 am at Riverside City Hall, 3900 Main Street, 92051.
Any questions please contact AntiRacistIE@gmail.com
* From point 2 of the NSM platform. http://www.nsm88.org/25points/25pointsengl.html